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The plane finally landed hours later, I didn't complain much though, since me and Tae sat with each other kissing, sleeping and taking a lot of photos together. "Tae" "Yes (Y/n)?" "What's it like?" "What do you mean?" "To be apart of the biggest band in the world?"

He paused for a moment and thought about the question and then answered. "Well...it's like living a stressful, yet amazing dream with the people I love the most, support from people I love there most" I smiled at him and we both got up to leave the plane. I put my black cap and black face mask on and walked next to one of the managers. Luckily no one paid attention to me and all the fans focused on the boys.

I try not to think of it too much as I followed the managers into a very beautiful hotel. This was something out of a movie, it was amazing. I walked into the elevator with the boys already ahead of me, my room was on the 15th floor and the boys were on the same floor as me, all the staff was.

I opened up the door to my room and it was AMAZING!!!! I look around my room and decided to give Alyssa a call. She picked up almost immediately. "WHY HAVE YOU NOT CALLED ME?!?!?!?!" "I'M SORRY I have been busy" I prop my phone on a stack of boos on the desk since i'm too lazy to hold it. "Yea busy im sure, busy with Bangtan!" I laugh "Okay, okay to be honest I really like it here, I love the culture, the life style, the boys-"

She gasped "Of course you love the boys, there hottttt" "Yea Yea whatever, wanna see my room girl?" She squealed "Yessss let me see everything"

I picked up my phone and took her around the hotel.
As I showed her the bathroom. There was a knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole and I saw a wet Taehyung. I opened the door with my phone in my hand. "Hey baby" I said a hugging him and moved to the side for him to enter. I put my phone back on the desk and sat down with Tae next to me. "Who is that?" He pointed. "That's my best friend Alyssa, come" I stood up and he sat in the chair, I sat down on his lap. At first we was a little stiff then he relaxed putting his arms around my waist.

"Ohhh (Y/n) he is cuteeeeeie"

I smiled "I know right" I smile as Tae kissed my cheek.

Alyssa went on and on about her finace and the plans she had for their wedding until she started to yawn. I yawned as well and luckily she got the hint and told me to go to bed. "You sure my love" I said sleepy. "Yesss girl you look exhausted imma hang up and Tae take good care of my best friend so I don't have to pop out to Korea or Japan and pop off" She laughed a little. "But anyways bye my love and goodnight" she blew a kissy face at, me returning the action as well. "Good night girl" then she hung up.


"Are you really tired" Tae looked at me a little concerned. I turned around and sat in front of him straddling his lap.
"A little but I finally have time to myself get you by yourself" I smirked at him. "You wanted to be alone with me?" He asked, blushing a little. I stood up and guided him to my bed and he sat down gently. I let my hand glide over his chest "Not wanted, I want to"

He looked up at me anticipation in his eyes waiting for me to make the next move. Which I did.

"I want you right now, is that okay?" He nodded his head and leaned up to kiss me, I returned the same action and kissed him. The kiss was slow at first, but slowly it turned into a make out. I felt something poking my leg, I slowly slide my hand down his chest and palmed him above his grey sweatpants, the most dangerous pants in the world, and booty shorts.

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