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Well it's time to go. I started packing my bags and getting my suitcase ready for the airport. The boys tried to get the day off, but they couldn't, which I understand. I got to say goodbye to them this morning. They are busy men with huge careers, the fans they come first.

I finish up my suitcase, only thing pleft is my camera. I pack up my camera and look around my now empty room one last time before closing the door behind me. I make my way to the living room looking around one last time before I make my way downstairs.

There's a car waiting for me when I get outside the building. Two women help me put my stuff in the back of the car and then we drive off.

And that was it, I was on my way right now back to Brooklyn, back to my old life. I had said goodbye to the boys and made my way to Broadway.

*15hrs later*

I make my way back upstairs to my apartment to see my same bed and couch. However I had a package waiting for me. Inside was my stuff I'd need to perform shoes, schedule and even some accessories.

I told Alyssa I'd be back, after letting the boys know I made home okay. Home that sounds funny, this apartment doesn't feel like at all, the boys are my home.

*Incoming FaceTime Call Jungkook*

"Hey Jk, I miss you"

"Hey Noona I miss you too, I'm with the guys right now, we got your text. I'm glad you got back safe."

"We really miss you jagi"

"I miss you too baby, I miss you all. You promise to come to my show when I start?"

"Of course sunflower, we wouldn't miss it for the world. We can't wait to see you perform, we're very proud of you sunflower"

"Thank you Hobi, that means so much to me, all of you mean so much to me, thank you for supporting me-"

*Incoming call Bianca*

"Hold on I'll call you guys later my director is calling me"

"Okay (Y/n) we love you!" They say except Yoongi who's the only one not there.

"Bye babies, tell Yoongi I said bye"

"We will, but it might take a while he's pretty upset, he won't leave his studio"

"We'll talk about this later I have to go, bye!"

I hang up the phone to call Bianca back. "Hello?" "Hi yes (Y/n) we need you here now!"

"Why is everything okay?"

"No, we need to practice and we need you here Ms.judgement now get your butt here, we need you now so we sent a car for you. Also did you finish that song, please tell me you did!"

I laughed a little "I did and Okay I'll head downstairs now"

A car? Weird I mean I could have taken the train or an Uber.

I make my way to the city and head towards the building of dreams and some of the greatest performances of all time.

I head into the building and are greeted by some staff, immediately a women runs up to me with a clipboard in hand, this must be-

"Hello I'm Bianca" "Hello nice to meet you I'm (Y/n)"

"Yes I know we spoke on the phone, follow me this way"

I follow her and we walk through the stadium, it's beautiful. It's everything I've ever dreamed it would be, I could just imagine the lights and the people, ohhhh I'm ready for this. The stage is huge and the audience could fit thousands, there are rows for days. I can't help but reach out and touch the red curtain.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I turn to see a boy facing me, he looks about 20,22. He is very handsome long black hair, brown eyes and tall, very tall. His face looks familiar.

"Hello nice to meet you I'm-"

"(Y/n)? Yea we've heard so much about you, we're really excited to work with you, Ms.Judgement" he bows. I laugh.

"I'm excited to work with everyone as well" two girls approached us. I watch them walk over, oh wait I never got his name but I'll pretend I did.

These girls are truly beautiful. They are about my height, the first girl has blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin. The other girl is a little taller maybe 5'7, she had a darker complexion, with black hair, but a beautiful smile, she could probably light up the room without the lights.

"Hey Im Sam" the blonde girl said "and this is Faith" the girl with black hair said.

"Well I'm (Y/n), but thanks to him you probably already know that" we all laugh a little.

"I see he never formally introduced himself, this is Lucas, this is his second show"

Lucas? I haven't heard that name in a while.

"Well it's nice to meet all of you" just as we finish conversing a woman comes into the room.

"Hello (Y/n) I am Ms.Aura" she lends her hand out to shake, I gladly shake her hand. "So I hope you've learned the steps and the notes, I heard you have been practicing."

"Yes back in Korea Ms.Aura I learned the steps"

"Well I hope this is true, now everyone let's begin!"

We do the steps, turns out Lucas is playing my husband, Sam and Faith are playing my sisters who also are my best friends. They play Ms.Right and Ms.Peace. I'm supposed to be the "mean sister" you could say.

We finished practice and not even realizing the time, it's already 9:00pm. I get my things ready and start to head out.

"Hey (Y/n)!" I turn to see Lucas running towards me.

"Yes Lucas? Anything you need?" "No, I just wanted to say goodbye and maybe get your number. I think you're very beautiful and you seem really cool. I'd like to get to know you sometime" he says with a warm smile.

"Oh thank you Lucas, but I'm sorry I have a boyfriend"

"You do? Well okay can we be friends?"

"Sure we can be friends" we both smile at each other. "So do you live far?"

"Eh Kinda I have to take the train home" I say kind bummed. "Uh no way it's 9:00 pm at night, the creeps are out. I could get you a cab or give you a ride"

I'm a little shocked by his kindness, no one is this nice in New York. "Um that won't be necessary at all, really I'm okay" I tried to get out of this convo as fast I could, I can call my own cab.

But man I've seen this man before I know I have. His face is so familiar.

He kinda looks like Luca, ha!


Okay guys are you excited because I am! Another update coming right after this one! And who is this Luca guy *eyebrows* *eyebrows*

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