Yes or No?

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*Couple months later*

Author's POV

Months had gone by and (Y/n) ignored the phone call deciding the boys made her happy, they were worth losing her dream. A life with them she believed only a fool would pass up. Everyday with them was perfect except for today. Not all stories have happy endings. (Y/n) was about to find out the hard way that sometimes if you love someone you have to let them go, letting the boys go would help her to realize no one is worth losing a dream.

(Y/n) never told the boys about the phone calls she had received, except she would sneak off while the boys were away or asleep and head down to the dance studio. Secretly she would think to herself what if she did leave? What if she went to Broadway? She passed the audition, to her surprise she got the lead. She would play Ms.Judgement, even write the song she would sing. What if she accepted the phone calls. These questions haunted her mind, allowing her to lay awake at night. However she was scared the boys would be mad at her. So she kept her dreams to herself.

Everyday at diner, breakfast and lunch she would space out and think of the stage, lights and music. The crowds and the friends she would make if she would have said yes. She only has 2 weeks to make the decision, but what to choose? She must tell the boys, however she doesn't know how.

(Y/n) POV

Today is the day. I will sit the boys down after they come home and tell them. I want to go so bad but I can't leave the boys, I've fallen in love with them. I'm dreading this so much, I can't help but think of Lucas. I know he's my ex boyfriend but tomorrow is the anniversary of his death. Can I even call it that, 3 years ago tomorrow he would be dead. He died the day we would have made 2 years. I miss him so much, he was always so supportive, not an evil bone in that man's body. Heck he picked caterpillars off the floor and brought them to trees. He would get mad if you killed an ant or spider. He was a handsome man, very simple. He was the love of my life.

There's so much the boys still don't know about Luca, all they know is that he died. I always thought it was Anthony that killed him, it would make sense. However I never had any proof of it.

Then I hear keys ringling, the boys. There home early, I rushed to put the fruit I chopped on the table and waters. I fixed my hair and waited for them to enter. I set my laptop aside, I was editing another one of their photos for a shoot.

"Hey (Y/n)" they say in unison leaving kisses on my lips and cheeks (On my face lol).

"Hey boys I say" They stare at me seeing the nervounus on my face.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked stepping up to me.

"I need you all to sit down, I have to tell you something"

"What is a sunflower?"

"A couple of months ago I got a phone call, at the AMAs, about a play I had auditioned for back in New York."

"Well that's great Jagi, did you get in?"

He's not mad at me?

"Yes, but it isn't an "ordinary" school play or small stage at a bar"

"Then what is it Noona?"

"Broadway" Yoongi almost spits out his water, Tae's eyes widen and the rest of the boys stand there shocked, except Jin who choked on his water.

"Jagi! this amazing what did you say????" Jimin says kissing my head.

"I haven't decided yet, I have 2 weeks"

"You have to say yes, (Y/n) this is an opportunity of a lifetime if You don't say yes i'll say yes for you and Broadway could use a handsome face like mine"

We all laugh a little, then Namjoon speaks up.

"However you have to think about this (Y/n), you get to choose, don't think about us if this is your dream. You need to follow your dreams just like we would. We could try and make the long distance work if you say yes. Video calls, phone calls and text. We'll even go to your shows if you'd want us there.

"You know what fuck it, your right. I'm going to say yes, hello New York you're looking at the New Ms.Judgement" I say standing on the coffee table.

They all laugh.

"Uh (Y/n) can you get the fuck down your stepping on my laptop" Yoongi says.

I step down "Oh sorry" he sighs letting out a smile.

"It's okay"

*Couple hours later*

"Hello?" I say calling the director of the play.

"Yes (Y/n) i'm so happy to hear from you, what have you decided on?"

"Yes, I have decided to be apart of your production"

"Excellent you start in 2 days"

"What?!?!?!" I say almost dropping my phone. "2 days, but i'm all the way in South Korea"

"I'll send you the lines and dance numbers to rehearse from there okay, I'll send them via email and you can practice them but our show is in 2 months . You need to get here before to rehearse with the cast, am I clear?"

"Yes, yes you are"

"Good I look forward to seeing you soon hopefully, how about in a month?"

"Okay I can do a month"

"Perfect see you in a month"

"See you in a month" she hangs up the phone. Right after I start receiving the songs, lines and dance numbers through email.

The boys left again so I guess I can practice in the practice room.

I head downstairs with my water bottle and phone, going straight to the dance room.

I practice for what feels like hours, then I feel a pair of eyes on me, I look up to see.


Thanks for reading guys, hopefully another update will come soon! Remember Goodnight, Good morning or Good afternoon!

It is actually a good evening for me right now lol.


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