Chapter 47: A boyfriend-sitter

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Ellie: *whisper-yelling* Why are you sitting and just relaxing? Help me!

Me: *whispering* It's hot chocolate! I already found my present so I'm just relaxing.

Mason: *whisper-yelling* Don't be so loud! Santa will be back soon! We have to find our presents quickly!

Jason: *whisper-yelling* Why are we whispering? Santa isn't even here.

Me: Good point.

Mason: *whisper-yelling* Shhhh! Santa is gonna be here soon! Keep it quiet!

Me: *rolling my eyes* These idiots don't know what they are getting for Christmas and wanted to sneak into Santa's lair to find their gift. Please don't mind them.

Mason: SHHHH!

Me: *glaring at Mason* I won't be shushed!

Mason: I would steal your damn present!

Santa: Really? *raising an eyebrow at Mason* I will have to put your name on the naughty list then.

Ellie: *squealing* SANTA!

Jason: *wincing* I think I am deaf now.

Santa: What are you kids doing here?

Mason: Nothing!

Jason: We were... We are leaving now. It was nice seeing you, Santa. See you at midnight. Bye!

Jason drags Mason and Ellie away.

Santa turns to me with a frown.

Me: *sipping my hot chocolate* I make awesome hot chocolate. Do you want a cup before you start delivering gifts?

Santa: That would be amazing! Thank you!

Me: smiling* It'll be my pleasure.

Santa: I know that your characters were here to search for their gifts.

Me: *smirking* Don't worry. I hid their gifts in your sleigh.

Santa: *chuckling* I have to put your name in the naughty list too then.

Me: *frowning* I thought that my name was on the top of the list.

Santa: I moved it. Anyways, I didn't get your list of wishes. What did you want?

Me: To put a smile on my readers face. *turning to the audience after handing Santa his cup of hot chocolate* Have an amazing Christmas, guys! I love you all!

Santa: Merry Christmas! Please help me give the author her gift by putting a smile on your face!

Me: I guess I'll see you all tomorrow. Do let me know if I got my gift or not. Bye!

Jason: *running back in Santa's house with Mason* Until tomorrow, stay safe!

Me, Mason and Santa: And eat cake!

Curtains close as the author and Santa enjoy their hot chocolate while laughing at Mason and Jason as they run away again...

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