Chapter 13: Payback and reputations

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Me: Hi humans! My exams are almost over and so I am in an awesome mood!

Xander: But I am not! Ellie just ruined my reputation!

Ellie: *in a sing-song  voice* But you still love me!

Xander: Is there any chapter where she is not present? 

Me: You'll have to wait. Now, don't spoil my mood with your bickering!

Damien: I wouldn't if you could just take me out of detention. I don't wanna be stuck with the idiotic twins!

Mason and Jason together: Hey!

Me: Anyways, here's a little something to cheer you all up:

Me: Anyways, here's a little something to cheer you all up:

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Ellie: The next chapter will be up on 29th October 2020.

Xander: Which is Thursday.

Me: Until then

Xander: Keep smiling!

Ellie: And miss us!

Curtains close as the author and the characters start catching up on stuff...

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