Chapter 35: Manipulative Cousins

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Me: I was thinking...

Xander: To make me a superhero with some awesome powers?

Ellie: Or to kill him?

Mason: Or to give me the ability to shoot lasers through my eyes?

Jason: Or to make me an only child?

Damien: Or to kill all these knuckleheads and finish the story there?

Liam: Or about taking a vacation to just relax?

Me: NO! I was thinking if we could have a little interview sorta thing for all of you dumb characters after the story is over!

Everyone: ...

Damien: Well, that's good too...

Me: *sighing* I can't wait to move on to a bearable set of characters.

All the characters: HEY!

Me: You guys know your lines. Recite them.

Ellie: You love us!

Me: Maybe.

Xander: Anyways, so, it's up to you all!

Damien: Do you guys want to read our interview?

Mason: Yay?

Liam: Or...

Jason: Nay?

Me: I'll wait till a few days... I'll anyways post it after the story is over. It will be like a bonus kind of thing.

Ellie: So, the next update will be up tomorrow which is 9th December 2020.

Xander: Which is Wednesday!

Damien: Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE!

Jason: Until next time, stay safe!

Me and Mason: And eat cake!

Curtains close as the characters snap their fingers, making their PJs appear and go over to Ellie's house for a sleepover...

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