Chapter 18: Seeking Forgiveness

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I'm proud to announce that this story has been published. So, it is no longer available here...

If you want to read more, find the links below...

Title Name - The Player's Playmate

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Me: I decided to update today only...

Xander: But now there will be no update tomorrow. 

Ellie: If you still want to read the next chapter tomorrow, you can!

Me: I'll be adding the next chapter on Inkitt tomorrow. And from now on, Inkitt will stay a chapter ahead of Wattpad!

Mason: If you want to stay a chapter ahead, sign up on Inkitt and search for Imaginativegirl006, our dearest author, Nini. 

Me: The link for the same is available on my profile and in the comments on this particular line. 

Ellie: Next update will be up on Wattpad on 12th November, 2020. 

Xander: Which is Thursday!

Jason: Until then, 

Damien: Stay safe!

Mason and Me: And eat cake!

Me: Hey! That was my line! 

Mason: But I love cake! It was supposed to be mine!

Me: I love cake too! And I can bake one too!

Mason: That's not fair! It was supposed to be my line!

Curtains close as the author and Mason start arguing about whose line it was... 

The Player's PlaymateWhere stories live. Discover now