Chapter 9: Date night and missing Xander

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"Are you sure that you aren't crazy?" I asked Gavin as I laughed. He was laughing with me.

"I am not really sure about that. But I am not kidding. I really did like your drawings back then. I actually liked everything you did. I think it might have been that way because I had a crush on you. But in my defence, you were pretty amazing." Gavin stated. I laughed at that.

Gavin and I were having a good time at our date. He had taken me to a pizza place. He somehow already knew about my obsession with pizza. I was honestly enjoying our time. Gavin was a really sweet guy. And according to what he told me, he had had a crush on me since middle school. I was a bit of a crazy kid back then and I never really followed rules.

Gavin was telling me about how he used to stick up for me when people made fun of my drawings when I wasn't around. To be fair, all I used to draw was stick figures. Art was not something I have ever been good at. In fact, I hated art class. I was more of a musical prodigy. I still am. I just love to sing and dance.

"I know I am not a great artist, Gavin. I don't need you to lie. But knowing that you've had a crush on me for so long does flatter me." I informed him. I smiled at him. "But what I don't understand is why didn't you ever approach me?" I questioned, feeling really curious.

"I was afraid of Damien and Xander. And Mason was pretty clear about how he didn't want any guy coming close to you when we were high school freshmen." Gavin explained. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Mason was crazy. But he still is crazy.

"Well, I am glad that you approached me now. I am really enjoying your company." I told him honestly.

"Is it because I brought you to this pizza place or do you genuinely enjoy my company?" Gavin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I definitely do love pizza with all my heart but you aren't too bad either." I answered. He chuckled at that. "But how did you know that I love pizza?" I asked him.

"Well, I have heard Xander saying that he is taking you to a pizza place enough times to have guessed that. I know for a fact that he is not as obsessed because he doesn't always sound enthusiastic about it. So, I figured that it must be your favourite." Gavin explained.

"He only treats me with pizza when he wants something or when he pisses me off. So, I guess we do go out for pizza quite often." I shrugged.

"I don't understand you guys." Gavin stated. I frowned at him in question. "What I mean is, he is always asking you to help him get a girlfriend and you help him even though you know it very well that he won't be dating the girl for long." Gavin explained.

"I hope every time that the next girl will make him take their relationship seriously. I hope for my best friend's sake." I replied honestly.

"No offense but he is a player. And you are a really sweet person. You always stick up for your friends. I have even seen you sticking up for total strangers when they need help. Why do you and-" Gavin spoke up but I cut him off.

"Xander and I go long back. We are not just some people who met a year or two ago. He knows me and I know him. He is like family to me at this point. We have known each other our whole lives. People might just see him as a player but I know the real him." I informed Gavin, feeling slightly angry with how he was talking about Xander.

"I know he is a great guy. I have seen the way he is at the field. He takes care of everyone on the team as the captain. He is awesome. And I know that." Gavin said to make me cool down. I sighed at his words.

"But you wonder as to why I still stick around. After all these years, why haven't we separated. Why we are still best friends." I spoke out his unspoken questions.

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