Chapter 31: The Master Plan

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Me: So, I have a question for you all.

Ellie: This seems serious! You didn't even brag about how you updated earlier than promised.

Me: Yeah, it is serious! Super serious!

Mason: Does this involve any of us dying?

Me: Unfortunately, no.

Xander: Then ask away!

Me: Would you rather follow your dreams knowing that you might end up on the streets or kill your dreams and follow a stable career that your parents want for you?

Jason: Is this about you?

Me: ...Maybe...

Damien: Isn't that your personal decision?

Me: Hey! I just want to know if I write well enough to make money out of my work in the future.

Ellie: Okay, we'll vote.

Xander: Do you want to see more of her work in the future?

Mason: Option A: Yes, we would love to.

Jason: Option B: No, not really.

Damien: Option C: We don't really care. Just finish this story!

Me: Damien!

Damien: What?

Me: I hate you!

Damien: No, you don't.

Me: *sighing* I hate myself for not hating you!

Damien: I love you too, Nini!

Me: *blushing* Shut up!

Xander: Anyways, the next update will be up tomorrow.

Ellie: Which is 3rd December.

Xander: Which is Thursday.

Me: And I can promise that unless I get stuck in some emergency, I will be updating more often.

Mason: And by that she wants to say that there will be a maximum of 1 day of gap between two updates!

Me: So, see you guys tomorrow!

Jason: Until next time, stay safe!

Me and Mason: And eat cake!

Curtains close as the characters start getting ready for the next update...

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