Chapter 38: Suspicion breaks friendship

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Me: Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way!

Liam: We get it! You got your devices back!

Xander and Mason: Congratulations!

Me: Thanks, Xan. Thanks, Mace. *smirking* And I know how jealous you are, Liam.

Ellie: Why would he be jealous?

Me: I went out with my mom yesterday and we bought dozens of pastries. That's why.

Ellie: But how does he know?

Me: Mace and Jace told him.

Ellie: *turning to Mason and Jason* When she invited us, she told us not to tell him! Why did you?

Liam: You were there too, Elle?

Ellie: Sheesh! What pastries?

Me: *innocently* The ones you ate at my house. The pastries we ate after the pizza we ordered.

Ellie: *glaring at me* I'm sorry, Liam.

Liam: Why didn't you invite me?

Me: Because you went out with Kara and you didn't invite us.

Liam: But she and I went on a date! Did you want to come as a third wheel?

Me: I would have invited the others and then we would have been six more wheels! It would have been fun!

Liam: Then it wouldn't have been mine and Kara's date!

Me: And I care because...?

Liam: You made me!

Me: I still don't care. I hardly care about Xander!

Xander: Hey!

Me: Before the war between me and my characters start, I would like to thank you all for reading!

Damien: Next update will be up on 14th December 2020.

Xander: Which is Monday!

Jason: Until then, stay safe!

Mason and Me: And eat cake!

Me: Read a chapter ahead on Inkitt now!

The curtains as Liam starts arguing again...

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