Chapter 27: Ellie got accepted

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Me: I just realised that the double update idea was actually a very bad idea...

Liam: Why?

Me: Some people didn't even read the chapter I uploaded first. Now they will think that my stories don't make sense.

Ellie: It's okay! At least you know that you should not add two chapters on the same day.

Me: *sighing* Yeah...

Xander: Relax, Nini. People will realise that they skipped a chapter and they can just go back and read it.

Me: I hope so.

Ellie: I know what can cheer you up! Let's go shoe shopping!

Me: I love my work and my readers more than shoes... At least I think I do...

Mason: You do. That's why you want to become a better writer and not the owner of a shoe factory or something!

Me: Shockingly, you are right, Mace.

Mason puts on his sunglasses as he starts smirking.

Jason: But he's still an idiot.

Me: True.

Damien: Enough of all this drama. The next update as you all know will be up on 26th November, 2020.

Xander: Which is Thursday.

Liam: But you can always read a chapter ahead on Inkitt!

Ellie: Until next time, stay safe!

Me: And eat cake! *snaps fingers and a huge 10 feet tall cake appears out of nowhere*

Curtains close as the characters and the author start eating the cake...

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