Chapter 32: Breaking Bones and Beating Hearts

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I'm proud to announce that this story has been published. So, it is no longer available here...

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Title Name - The Player's Playmate

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Me: Glued to the story? Wanna read ahead? Read a chapter ahead on Inkitt right now for free!

Ellie: Nini, is Damien flirting with you?

Me: No! I created him! He's like my son in a way! Eww!

Ellie: When you put it that way... *fake gags* Eww! it sounds disgusting!

Mason: *rolling his eyes* He is just trying to impress her so that she would write a story for him.

Me: You know, Mace, you could try to be civil too. You could try and make me want to write your story.

Mason: I'd rather impress the reader! *turns to the audience* I love you guys! I hope you love me too!

Jason: Mace, you are a headache! No one loves you.

Mason: Hey! That's hurtful!

Me: Stop it! We'll vote!

Damien: *shrugs* I am cool with that!

Mason: *excitedly* Me too!

Xander: Okay. So, the question for the readers is...

Ellie: After the end of this story, whose story would you like to read first?

Liam: Option A: Damien's story.

Kara: Option B: Mason's story.

Xander: Option C: Liam's story.

Me: Option C: Jason's story.

Ellie: Option D: A completely different story.

Me: I have ideas for all of them. *puts on sunglasses* I am awesome!

Ellie: *shaking her head* Anyways, the next update will be up on 5th December 2020.

Xander: Which is Saturday.

Mason: Which is the day after tomorrow.

Me: And remember, the voting for the question above is open till the end of the year.

Ellie: So, think before you vote people!

Xander: Also, you guys can vote in the comment section below or post a message on the author's profile or contact her through Instagram, the link for which is available on the author's profile.

Jason: Until next time, stay safe!

Me and Mason: And eat cake!

Curtains close as all the characters start arguing about who will have the next story...

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