Chapter 43: The Apology

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Me: Hi, people! *waving wildly*

Mason: *frowning* Are you okay?

Me: I was so bored yesterday! I just wanted to update but then I remembered that I have a schedule to follow.

Ellie: It is your update schedule. You can change it if you want to. You know that don't you?

Me: Yeah! I know that!

Xander: *snickering* No, you don't!

Me: Yes, I do! And I will change it now! I was supposed to update tomorrow but I won't!

Mason: Yay!... Wait... What?

Jason: What are you talking about?

Me: I'll only update if and only if I want to! And well, if we get enough people to say that they are following the story...

Xander and Damien: *shrugging* That's fair.

Me: Okay, LIKE the story and COMMENT what you all think. It might make me update soon!

Ellie: You are forgetting your friends' birthdays!

Me: I will update on 23rd and 28th no matter what happens! But except for that, I need to know how many people are actually reading!

Jason: So, until next time, stay safe!

Ellie: Keep COMMENTING, LIKING and SHARING the story!

Me and Mason: And eat cake!

Curtains close as the characters and the author leaves the stage...

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