Chapter 6: The Cunning and the Innocent

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"Why is Ethan still looking at you? I thought you told him that you don't want to go out with him." Mason frowned as he stood beside me as I took out a few books and kept the others inside my locker.

Yesterday, after detention, me and Xander went to eat pizza and then went home. When we all decided to hang out, Damien was still at practice, Liam and Kara were hanging out at Kara's place so the twins, me and Xander just crashed at the couch at my house and watched a bunch of random shows while talking about anything and everything. A typical weekday thing for us.

"Did he forget whatever happened yesterday at detention?" Jason questioned as he came to stand on my other side. I turned around to find Ethan staring intensely at me. I shrugged it off as I closed my locker. Damien came to stand in front of me.

"Damien, what are you doing? I have to get to class." I said when I found myself surrounded by the boys and the lockers with no way out.

"Let Ethan leave. His creepy stare is pissing me off. It's either me standing here or me standing in the principal's office with Ethan with a broken nose beside me." Damien replied in a frustrated voice. I huffed. These boys were a little too protective of me.

"I might get late if I wait for him to leave. Besides, he is in my next class. What will you do if he stares at me in class?" I argued. Xander came towards us with a smile on his face but when he looked in Ethan's direction, his expressions turned grim. Not wanting Xander to join the hulk-barrier team, I pleaded with him with my eyes to convince Damien and the twins to let me leave.

"I'll take her to class. We have the same class." Xander told the guys, understanding my silent pleas. I gave him a grateful smile as Damien stepped aside. Ethan was still staring at me from across the hallway so Xander wrapped a protective arm around my shoulder.

"We will have to do something about that loser if he continued staring at you like that." Xander told me as we passed Ethan. I nodded my head at Xander's words. Being popular in highschool meant that people were constantly staring at us to see our every action. We all were used to it but the way Ethan was staring made me feel like he was up to something. Something that wasn't something that I'll like.

"Maybe we can spray paint his car and puncture his tires? Or we can fill his locker with something sticky, gooey and smelly. Or we can pour a bucket of paint on him after his baseball practice." I suggested as we entered the class. Xander looked amused as he sat down on his seat. I took my seat beside him and placed my book on the table.

"Ellie, I was talking about something like warning him to stay away or something. Why do you always have to take it all to pranks?" Xander laughed. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I just think big. I have a wild imagination unlike you." I grumbled. Xander shook his head at me as he chuckled. Liam and Kara entered the class and took the seats behind us. I turned around to face them. "Why weren't you guys focusing on your date yesterday when me, Xan and the twins were chatting on the group during detention?" I asked them.

"That's because Liam forgot to book a table at the restaurant and we were waiting outside in the line anyways." Kara shrugged. I gasped dramatically as I stared at Liam. Liam glared at me as he realised what I was going to do.

It was typical of Liam to forget things like booking a table at a restaurant for his date or doing his homework. He is Lazy Liam for a reason. And even though our sweet friend and Liam's lovely girlfriend, Kara is used to his forgetful and lazy behaviour, I find amusement in provoking Kara from time to time. Kara and Liam have been together for three years now and I know that the little banters that they have because of me are not something they will break up for.

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