Coming soon...

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Part 2 of the Best Friends series. Can be read as a standalone.


"They seem... cozy." I said as I looked at Xander and Ellie from a distance as they cuddled into each other's sides while watching a movie.

"You know, I never wanted a girlfriend. But now as I see these two being so happy together, I want that too." Damien told me.

"You want that since you saw these two together or did you want that since you saw Ellie for the first time?" I asked with a smirk, turning to Damien who was standing beside me. He looked shocked.

"How...No... What?" Damien stuttered. I smirked at his embarrassed face.

"Well, one, you have a very cute sister who by the way is quite loud with her thoughts. And two, I can see how your face brightens up whenever Ellie's around." I told him as I turned to look at the couple again.

"Aria told you about it?" Damien asked in confusion. I chuckled as I remembered my conversation with the little girl.

"She told me, and I quote, 'Monster Xander took Princess Ellie away from Dami and married her. Now Dami feels lonely.' And she asked me to be your princess to cure you of your loneliness." I told Damien without looking at him. He was quiet for a few seconds.

"What was your reply?" he finally questioned. I smirked as I turned to face him.

"I am no princess. I am the damn evil queen." I told him in a low voice before giving him my sweetest smile.


Ellie and Xan, two of Damien's closest friends, have fallen in love. Looking at the cute couple, Damien wishes that he had something like that for himself. But with an overactive little sister, a mother who's almost always at work and a father who is in the military and rarely ever comes home, Damien doesn't really get the time to go out much.

But what happens when a certain new girl starts occupying the serious yet troublemaking Damien's mind?

What happens when this new girl happens to be related to someone who hates Damien?

And what happens when this girl takes an interest in Damien too?


Hello, readers!

The plan was to write another story but when The Player's Playmate ended, I was missing my lovely characters a little too much.

So here we are.

I obviously won't be updating anytime in the recent future since as usual, I have to write a bunch of chapters before I start uploading.
I know the wait is going to be annoying but I'll try to make the story worth it.

Do pm or or comment about what you think of the story's description.

I'll take my leave now and hopefully return with my awesome bunch of stupid characters.

So, have a pizzalicious day ahead!


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