Chapter 4: We Wandered....A Lot

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Kallen didn't expect for the Wandered to grow that fast. He didn't really understand this but he barely understood anything about his life now. It kept growing by the second and with it came this energy. This sort of force field around it that sent chills down his body. He could barely move and he could barely keep his eyes off the middle of the room.

" Do not Waver Kallen. This is not the time to be indecisive" Wavyrn told him as the Wandered began to speak.

" This is not your home" it said, appearing in and out of the line of sight as the group stood in shock. " Whatever it is you seek you will not find" it said again, floating to the ceiling in the process.

" We've come for the holy grail" Bridget said her palm holding a black and gold staff beside her as she talked. She twirled it in her hand as she talked, her thumb spinning it around her index finger again and again. " We know you have a idea on where it is, the man that owned this place was after it and wandered don't usually stay in a place unless it matters. So it's either you tell us or we take the information from you".

" Tenacity will do you in" the wandered said, his voice ringing through the room now. " If you wish to find the grail you'll have to get rid of me. I do not know what else you wish to find here but a wish it what it will stay" the wandered said as he charged at the group. Bridget leaped into the air, slamming her staff into the back of the wandered. Veronica moved to the side, pointing her fingers out as blue energy leaped off them in a hurry. The wandered seemed to shrug off the attacks as Hayate spread his palms out and a flurry of feathers cut through the air. Kallen didn't know what he could or couldn't really do so he decided to try punching. Safe to say it worked as he hit the wandered in its body but he didn't have much of a defensive plan.

The wandered threw him into Bridget who forced him off with her staff. " Watch where you're going" she screamed as her staff made contact with the wandered again, knocking it into the back of the room. Veronica managed to subdue him with her stardust as Hayate moved the feathers around the body.

" You 4 have done well.... but not well enough" he said, fluttering away from the restraints. " There is still much to be learnt and even more to discover. This is not my home it is merely a place I lived in. The same goes for the girl. You will not find what you are looking for here told you this already, what you will find is a step. A step towards the goal you wish to accomplish. But I warn you, the grail will destroy whatever bond it is I see before me". He vanished into thin air as Kallen fell to the floor. Veronica extended her hand to help him up but Bridget knocked it away, her eyes lowered to Kallen in disgust

" What can you do right?"

" Hit the guy that were assigned to hit. You're acting like this isn't my first day on the job?"

Bridget slammed her staff on the floor as the room grew quiet. " I don't need rookies or new people. They could have chose anyone else to help us but instead it's someone to bring us down"

Kallen didn't take kindly to the slander being directed at him one bit. " Do not do anything brash" Wavyrn said to him but Kallen didn't listen to the dragon's voice. " Or maybe you can't lead" he said, Bridget's face turning red with rage. " Maybe that confidence you walk around with doesn't mean much if you can't make sure anyone else can walk around with it. If you were such a great leader then this wouldn't be happening now would it?" Bridget spun her staff straight under his neck and let it rest there as she began to speak.

" Say one word idiotic phrase out of your mouth and I'll make sure you won't get home. You don't know what i can and cannot do, you don't know me" she said, her eyes locking onto his. " I don't care who or what you are you're not the leader here and I need people that can work. You have no knowledge of this world so sit back and listen. The grail is my everything and I won't stop till I bring it to the Insignias. And if that means we have to cut down ranks I'll do it".

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