Chapter 3: The B Team

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Kallen wasn't used to hanging around the pavilion this long. Mainly because every time he came to the campus he wasn't a student. Now that class was actually over he thought he would just go home. Or talk to Wavyrn about the grail and the cave but neither one of them knew much. He was waiting and as he looked down at his phone to check the time he heard her voice next to him

" Sorry for being late. I was trying to find the library and ended up near the engineering building" Destiny said, her sneakers scrapping the ground as she sat down.

" You got lost on the 2nd week of the semester?" Kallen asked, attempting to roll his sleeve back down to mask the mark of the dragon.

" Is that a tattoo? Does Nicole know you got one? What is it" Destiny said as she grabbed his arm. Kallen attempted to cover it up but Destiny tapped his hand away, pushing his jacket up to revel the mark.

" Did it hurt?" she asked, her eyes right above the head of the dragon. Kallen laughed at that question, noting that there was no way she would understand how he got it. Let alone the fact that he couldn't tell her or anyone about the Insignias. " Kinda. From what the girl told me when she slapped it on me most of them hurt but she told me to just sit down and I would be alright"

" She slapped it onto you?"

" That was not what you were supposed to say Kallen" Wavyrn shouted inside his head, laughter following as Kallen sighed. " Yeah I know that" he replied as Destiny glanced around

" Who are you talking to?"

" Ahhhh nobody really. I was just spacing out. What class did you have today"

" English then I had photography" She replied, bringing her camera from out of her bag. " You want a picture with that new Tattoo"

Kallen smiled as Destiny came a bit closer with her camera. Her hand grabbed his on the rocky monument and as she pushed her hair out from her eyes he heard a voice from across the area

" Kallen? That is you isn't it? Fancy seeing you here?" Veronica said, a devilish smile overtaking her face. Kallen sighed as she stared at his mark, hers perfectly covered with jacket sleeves. " Sup V" he replied, shaking her hand from across the grass.

" Nice tattoo" Destiny said as she looked at Veronica's wrist. She laughed at the way Veronica's eyes dropped, telling her " it wasn't hidden better than his". Veronica extended her hand as she smiled at Destiny, introducing herself by her full name. Destiny returned the greeting and said that Kallen was " all hers if she needed him" to which Veronica replied "not if you do".

" No no, we were just catching up. I have to get to work anyways" Destiny replied, the slight blush on her face returning. She shuffled her stuff into her bag and walked to the pavillion's entrance with the both of them following. " It was nice meeting you Veronica and I'll see you later Kal. You want me to say anything to Nicole?"

" Tell her I need my 10 dollars back" Kallen replied, Destiny laughing as she began to walk away. " I'll make sure to tell her" she said as she headed for the parking lot. Veronica stared at Kallen with a raised eyebrow, her eyes rolling around as she began to smile. " She calls you Kal?" She asked as they walked through the school.

" Shut up" he replied as they stood by a pole. "What's new?"

" An assignment. And you on our team. Cmon we're late as is" she said as they walked to the store she had mentioned the day before.

" You can let go now" Kallen said as they turned the corner and made their way to the shop. Kallen began to feel his arm pulse as Wavyrn's voice rang through his head.

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