Chapter 10: The A Team

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" The A Team?" Kallen thought aloud as he rolled over in bed. A Tuesday morning usually meant class and judging by the clock he still had 45 to spare.

" You'll be late"

Kallen rolled his eyes at Wavyrn's advice and hobbled out of bed, still holding his body from the beat down the group had taken yesterday. Ever since he and Wavyrn " became one" if that's what you want to call it he could heal a bit faster. Not to the point that things stopped hurting but it wasn't as bad as before. He was able to look down now and after showering he sat in his living room.

Kallen had hoped to call Bridget this morning to see if she was willing to talk about the A Team but he decided against it. He figured something traumatic had went down and he knew firsthand that trauma doesn't just come out of people. When she wanted to tell him she would. He grabbed his bags and headed for the train, groaning at the smell of the subway. He had briefly thought to call Destiny for a ride but he assumed they weren't there yet. If they were anywhere or anything yet he didn't know. Nicole would probably tell him to " keep his distance" but he didn't think that would work. And it wasn't because of him.

The hallways were quiet this time and when the hallways were quiet Kallen knew nothing was going on today. No basketball games and no police walking round campus. Class was a breeze as normal and after his 9:30 and 12:00 he was done for the day. He could barely move from the English room to the bench outside the library when someone slid beside his seat with with a smile.

" You have a funny way of showing up Des"

" I'm always on time aren't I"

Kallen was happy to see her. He needed something to help pick him up after what happened yesterday. Destiny put her hand on his shoulder as they got up, which caused him to wince in pain.

" Ahhhhhh" Kallen said as Destiny jumped back and people began to look around.

" Sorry yall. Just sore" Kallen replied as he and Destiny walked through the campus. She had already apologized roughly 10 times in a matter of minutes. Kallen tried to tell her it wasn't that serious but she just kept going. The way she tripped over words sort of amused Kallen, like he could tell she was nervous which was rare for Destiny.

" Destiny" he said as they entered the parking lot and stood by her car. " it's alright, you didn't hurt me I just got sore from working out yesterday". She smiled briefly as he leaned on her car with her permission.

" You doing anything on Friday?"

" Why? What do you have in mind miss summers? Surely I can indulge a good friend?"

" That's all I am? Just a good friend?"

" Ms Summers the choice is yours to make. You can be whatever it is you want to be if you take the first step"

" Either way we should do something this weekend. You wanna go skating at the rink?"

" Sure. But last time that I checked you weren't good at things with wheels"

" That was a while ago Kal. Ya girl done grew up on you?"

" My Girl?" Kallen asked, his eyebrows raising as Destiny's face turned red.

" No not your girl like I'm your girl I mean your girl like you know me ya know.... oh whatever. Think what you want"

" Sure. It sounds like a plan Des"

" Alright it's a Date Kal" Destiny said as Kallen felt something strange grow closer and closer. It was new yet familiar almost like he had recently met this energy.

" Kallen Turner Right? Yeah that is you. Come here" Tracy said as she scooped him under her arms and wrapped his head.

" Why the hell are you here" Kallen asked as he could see the surprise fly off Destiny's face.  Tracy wouldn't let go of his head so he had to kick her ankle to get out.

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