Chapter 9: Mercy is a joke

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Kallen could see the throne room again. He couldn't touch anything but from where he stood he saw it. The ornaments cluttered around, the decorations and garments colored red. The swords stuck in the ground as bracelets and necklaces fell to the floor. He could see something coming from above as well. The glow began to fade from his sight as he stood up. He could walk here but touching anything seemed to be out of the question. Kallens head turned to the left and the same swords from the cemetery appeared by a window.

" Kallen... Kallen... KALLEN" Wavyrn's voice yelled as the throne room began to disappear. He woke up back in his room, the alarm clock going off and his phone going off as well.

" What Wavyrn" Kallen said as he hopped into the shower and grabbed his phone to check. He had 3 messages all around the same time. 1 from Bridget, 1 from Destiny and then one from Nicole. He opened the text from his cousin 1st naturally

" Hey it's Nic. What the hell did you and Destiny do yesterday. She's been back for maybe 2 weeks and I know you were with her yesterday. She can't stop smiling, I'm gonna kill you. I told you not to do this".

Kallen was at a loss for words. Mainly because he didn't do much of anything last night. They just went to the movies like regular friends. Did she say that she missed him back in Seattle. Yeah but other then that nothing really happened. She did try to tell him something by getting a bit close but who knows.

The next text was from Destiny.

" Hey Kal its Des. Yesterday might've been the most fun I've had in years. Sorry it got a bit weird my dads paranoid about me being out late. Hope you had fun. If it's alright with you I would wanna do that again. But only if you're alright with it. No pressure bruh. Buh bye"

" The girl wants you" Wavyrn said as Kallen exited the shower and shook the water out of his hair.

" Trust me she doesn't. We're just friends besides what do you know about human relationships"

" I've been alive for far longer then you Kallen. I've seen things" Wavyrn replied as Kallen looked down at the text Bridget sent him.

" Kallen whenever you get this I need you to come to the compound immediately. We have a assignment and it's urgent. It's only the 4 of us so be ready. Do not fuck this up for us."

Kallen grabbed his necklace as he slid on some athletic pants and sneakers. He looked down at his arm, almost tracing the outline of where the markings go. Trying to figure out where they go if he ever gets access to the Ascension again.

" If it comes it will come. You cannot force power to flow through you" Wavyrn reminded Kallen as he placed his hands on the mirror and disappeared into a gold light.

" You're finally here" Veronica said as she dragged him through the hallways and towards Toshio's room. He nodded to Hayate who was seated by a corner and Bridget who was pacing back and forth.

" What's up with her?" Kallen asked as he noticed Bridgets foot tapping over and over. She glared at him with a cold look as the door opened up and Toshio ushered the group inside. He handed a piece of paper to Bridget and nodded to the rest of the group, his expression a bit gloomy.

" The Destination is San Francisco. Be weary this is not a regular assignment. Precaution should be taken today" Toshio said as the group walked out of the room. He nodded to Kallen as he exited before calling Bridgets name while the door was still open. Kallen could make out the conversation from outside the door.

" We'll be done with this shortly. You don't even have to call them"

" Bridget I've entrusted you with workloads that no one your age should have. But maybe this is too much for even you"

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