Chapter 16: Welcome to the rest of forever

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Kallen could see a forest, at least that's what this should be. His dreams were only getting worse ever since that day. He didn't think about it as much but it still weighed heavy on his mind. That might be the only thing he thought about besides the two knights. And his ascension. And the king. And everything else that was going on in his life.

" Kallen I need you to remain calm" Wavyrn insisted, letting the boy know his emotions would get the best of him.

" How can I? Do you not see all the shit I have to deal with eventually? The grail, Nicole finding out about all this, Te just got permanent gold eyes for crying out loud. We have a new girl on our team"

Kallen slumped on the floor, letting his hands fall beside him. He rolled over, slightly panting as a knock came to his door.

" Kal?" He heard Destiny say as he rose to his feet. It was bad enough Kallen felt shitty but to look shitty in front of his new girlfriend was even worse.

" Hey Babe" he said as Nicole's finger came to his forehead. Destiny laughed on the side, walking in and shaking her head.

" You still don't clean up do you"

" I mean I try" Kallen said, moving his clothes to the laundry hamper. Destiny came closer and gave him a kiss, causing Nicole to groan as she walked around.

" Ya gal pal was calling and we were at work so we came together to get you off your ass" she said as Kallen put on a shirt.

" Well I appreciate it" He said as Destiny sat beside him. She smelt good, like cinnamon as he let his head fall on her shoulder.

" Can you two get a room?"

" Des you wanna leave her alone for a moment"

"Kal we have my car for that"

" Alright Alright" Nicole said, throwing something into Kallen's hands. " Ya mom sent this for you. I didn't open it because it's not my place. Go ahead"

Kallen shook the box around, trying to figure out what could possibly be inside it. Destiny held his hand, squeezing a bit as he shook the box again. He opened it, watching a note and ring fall onto the floor.

" This is her ring" Kallen said, tossing it across the room as he kicked the box. " She gave me the ring like it's supposed to make up for everything"

" Maybe you should savor it. She had to have brought it for some reason" Nicole said, putting the ring on a table and picking up the note. " You wanna read it or should I?"

" Go ahead Nic, you'll have more use for it then me"

" Fine" Nicole said, dusting the note off as she began to read.

" Hey son I know it's been a while but I hope you're doing okay. I know you want to be with us right now but the workspace is hectic right now. If I can I'll try to visit within the month, I did get you that Albanian hoodie you wanted. I'll send that in a few weeks. I did find my old ring you always liked, you can have it. See you soon

" Nicole can I see that note" Kallen said as she passed it to him. He crumpled it up, throwing it behind him as Nicole shook her head. " Summers over here has something to tell you, I don't really know what but I guess it's important. I gotta go back to work so I'll catch you two later. Dont be late Summers

" I won't" Destiny said as she picked up the ring. It was silver, with a blue gem in the middle.

" You can have it, hopefully you'll stick around more then she did"

" Excuse me?"

" Sorry Des it's just... she can't do this now and neither can he. Government job my ass. They aren't around and they do this all the time"

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