Chapter 2: The Call

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All Kallen could see was black. He wiggled around trying to free himself but nothing worked. He could feel the bag over his head as he rolled onto his back and into a wall.

" Don't hurt Yourself" a voice called out as Kallen banged into the wall and . He felt someone untie his hands as a pair of boots dug into his back. He flipped over and was placed against the wall when he regained sight. He was in a dark room with a light above him and a girl by the door.

" Dont move" she said as he recognized her voice from before and kicked his legs out. " You still have some explaining to do" he screamed as the girl threw her coat onto his face. She moved her fingers with a smile as Kallen stood frozen as she leaned on the wall. She undid his knot on his hands and told him to " keep it down" as she ripped the tag off of his arm.

" Owwwww" he said as he rubbed the skin where the tag once was, revealing a marking in the vacant space. It was a tattoo, a head of a dragon with red lines and a tail on the end. It took up minimal space on his forearm and it had stopped the glowing. " Wavryn you in there? Kallen asked as the girl laughed from across the room.

" Of course he's in there. There're always in there" she said as Kallen rose to his feet and ran at the girl. She momentarily pointed at him and he paused in mid air. She closed her fist and he fell as Blue energy surrounded his body.

" No mistaking it. You're the one they wanted" she said as she crouched down to meet his face. " Look I know we don't know each other but you're making this harder than what it has to be. I won't hurt you anymore if you just listen" she said as Kallen looked towards his arm for confirmation.

" Listen to the girl" Wavryn said, his rough voice speaking volumes. Kallen leaned on the wall and put his hands in his pockets while the girl sized him up. " My Grandad always said I shouldn't listen to someone who's name I don't know" he said as he stuck his hand out. The girl shook his hand and met his gaze, her blue eyes almost appearing like a ocean of stars. "Veronica, Veronica Holment" she said as Kallen nodded to her. " Kallen Turner" he said, realizing that she already knew that. " And now that we're acquainted I can show you around the compound" Veronica said, opening the door and leading him out.

" What made you bring me here V" Kallen ask as Veronica led him through the lit halls. The floors were old and resembled feudal boardings as they passed people in the hallways. They had a bunch of differing reactions, some surprised and others seemingly worried. " It was on orders and who's V?" she replied back, her hands swinging in the air.

" You" Kallen told her, a confused frown resting upon his face. " You have to tell me why you abducted and branded me eventually right?" He asked as the two of them moved past a couple corners and made their way to a room.

" This is the 1st stop, you're going to get fitted for your jewelry" she said, knocking on the door three times in a distinct pattern. A older women opened the door in goggles and brought the both of them inside. She stood by a desk with a assortment of necklaces, earrings and rings spread out.

" Do you have a preference?" the lady asked of Kallen who was currently looking down at his necklace. " What are those for?" he asked as the lady looked at Veronica. " You didn't tell him anything did you?" she said as Veronica blushed in shame. " He made it difficult to speak" she said to which Kallen instantly replied that he was tied up and thrown against a wall. " V who is this lady?" Kallen asked when a locket flew by his face

" If you have questions you should direct them towards me" the women said, pointing at the necklace Kallen wore. " You want to keep the stone don't you?"

" Yeah" Kallen replied, " it means a lot to me"

The lady shook her head and extended her hand, motioning for Kallen to hand over the necklace. Kallen took another look at the ruby attached to it and handed it over. He watched as she grabbed a hammer and welder and in 2 or 3 movements crafted a new silver necklace for him. She tossed it to Kallen, who saw his frown in the face of the ruby before putting it on. " Thank you" he said to the lady who smiled from across the desk as Veronica waved goodbye. As they left the room Kallen turned around and asked for her name, to which she said " Nina. Nina Mostelant". Kallen introduced himself and shook her hand before following Veronica out of the room.

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