Chapter 14: The Court of Diamonds

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Kallen could see the sword sticking through his body. He could see Wavyrn flying through the room, well Wavyrn as him. This whole thing made no sense, what ritual was he referring to. Kallen had only ascended twice but he knew what it felt like and this wasn't it.

" Kallen are you okay in there" Wavyrn said, Kallen watching the dragon go to work. He was a tactician, turning his body and blowing fire from his hands to protect everyone else. Kallen couldn't see anyone else in the form he was so that was a plus.

" I see the dragon has taken control" the king said, turning his scepter towards his body. " My Ancestors took care of all of your kind and they left me one. This shall be a glorious day"

Wavyrn slammed into the man, throwing him into the wall as someone screamed.

" No not now. Any time but now" Hayate said as his body went limp. Kurou appeared, golden eyes and all and lunged at the soldiers around them. Hayate managed to take control back long enough to stop him. Tracy got up and ordered the group to fight as she pulled Hayate close.

" Can you get us back"

" I think but I can't do it with all this strife. We have to escape"


Wavyrn grabbed the man and threw him towards the ceiling, the sword still wedged in his body. He began to drop as he appeared next to Kallen

" It's my turn now huh?"

" Yes it is"

" how did you take control of me?"

" I do not know. It was like it just happened, I didn't expect it one bit. It just happened"

Kallen took control now, crashing into the man and running away.

" The boy will be ours" he said as Kallen was pulled closer. Dustin moved closer too, both boys by his side in a instant. Dustin fell to the floor as the man spoke.

" the court of diamonds will stop at nothing to have the grail" he said as the room started to shine. Kallen attempted to move but he couldn't. All he could see was the 2nd part of the grail. Sitting in the sky like a treasure, like it belonged to whoever it needed to. He reached out, pain seeping through his soul as he did.

" You will have a chance" the man said as Nancy's fan nearly cut his hand off.

" Cmon you two we have to MOVE" she said, grabbing the boys and getting out of the room. Kallen could see the grail as he disappeared, the man cackling as blood dropped from his head.

" THE HELL JUST HAPPENED" Max said as the group recouped outside. Everyone was baldy hurt, none more so then Kallen who could barely breathe.

" Whatever it was couldn't be good. We have to report this to Toshio" Tracy said, stepping back as Hayate began to speak. " Onee San you there"

" Are you guys okay"

" Not really, some guys kidnapped us, Kallen is barley breathing, we're all super bloody and yeah"

" Hold on"

The group appeared in the compound and were given answers

" The court of diamonds are a group that wishes to have the grail. I should have know it was them"

" It appears we will be fighting them now"

" Yes Tracy. Everyone return home. We will assess the situation and report back in 2 weeks. B team you take Kallen home"

Kallen awoke in his home, his marking still there but with a eye in the center

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