Chapter 7: Make it out Alive

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Kallen couldn't move. He was paralyzed in a way, stuck to the ground with fear. He could hear Bridget yelling at him but his feet wouldn't move.

" Damn it... you have to MOVE" Veronica yelled as she pushed him away while the Wandered sunk its fang into the ground. Hayate's hands flew out in front of him as black feathers created a makeshift dome around the group. Bridget slammed her staff onto the floor as Veronica held her hand.

" You will NOT be the reason we don't come back with the grail. You will NOT deter us Kallen and if you do I'll have to cu dead weight. Stand up"

Kallen rose to his feet as feathers flew around them. His mark began to glow brighter and brighter as the wandered started to grow closer. It charged at the group, nearly cutting Hayate's hand off in the process. Kallens fist landed a clean blow as Veronica froze him in place, Bridget sliding under with her staff. The wandered ignored this and blew wind from its mouth, knocking the group into the wall.

" One by one you shall pass. And the prophecy will be fulfilled. I will be the one to recreate the grail" it said as the energy in the room began to change. Voices crept out from the walls and corners one by one, some laughing and some screaming.

" No way in hell" Veronica said as the voices only grew and began to take shape. Deformities and half hearted souls appeared in front of the group one by one, some sinister and some always crying out in pain. The Wandered appeared again behind the army, his crooked smile gleaming behind his creations.

" After all my work it would be a shame for it to end without you all. You that I created and assisted time after time. You that gave your lives for this grail I promised you back then and I intend to keep it. You will receive the holy grail once those insignias are gone".

" Kallen get ready. They won't hold back a bit" Wavyrn said as Kallen steadied himself for the oncoming assault. The army of wandered charged the group relentlessly, falling victim to Veronica's stardust but quickly breaking out after. Bridget and Kallen rotated while Hayate provided support, knocking enemies to the ground. Bridget moved liked she was possessed, slamming enemies into the ground while spinning off her staff and into the air. Kallen had never seen someone so determined to obtain something before, as if even death wouldn't deter her from the grail. Kallen let his hands move for themselves, ducking and dodging as his feet moved swiftly. With every punch or strike to a wandered Kallen could hear them cry out. The voices were blended and yet he could hear each and every one like they were in isolation. As they moved through the room attempting to get to the grand Wandered the group could feel the room getting smaller. Air was only getting harder to come by and they still didn't have the grail in their hands. Bridget was bouncing off the walls. Her staff already sunk into a wandered as Veronica and Hayate stood side by side to assist her. Kallen took this opportunity to go after the Grand Wandered as his fiery fist clashed with his hand.

" Your ability is impressive boy, most impressive" he said as Kallen struck him with his leg. He went flying into a wall as the wandered began to laugh in his face. " This grail shall be crafted with your soul. The soul I felt once you 4 entered my home. The soul that led me to your home and to that man". Kallen was tired of his blabbering and clenched his fist tightly. Wavyrn roared in his head, his mark glowing slightly as he jumped into the air and spun his legs, causing fire to slice the wandered on its leg. The wandered responded with a roar, knocking into Kallen who was caught by Hayate's feathers.

" Thanks Te"

" No issue"

The other Wandered began to grow in strength as the grand Wandered howled in pain. They began to shout the name " Edmund" as they crowded the group, forcing them towards the middle of the room. With Their backs to each other, Kallen could feel the worry in the group begin to grow. Hayate's hands were clutching his head as Bridget looked on in worry.

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