Chapter 15: The 14th day

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To say Kallen was hurt was a understatement. Not only did he not know what to do next but he was lost. Lost and confused and in disarray. The grail had been right there and he couldn't do anything. Wavyrn blamed himself but Kallen told him it wouldn't matter. Their was no way he could've done anything, he didn't know he would take over.

" I can still see his eyes" Kallen told Wavyrn as he laid in his apartment. To Toshio's credit he wasn't lying when he said they would convene in two weeks. It had been 13 days since he saw those eyes. Saw the crown raise as he and Dustin sat beside him. Since he heard of the ritual and it was all he thought of. Not Nicole, not Destiny, not school just the grail. He felt trapped, caged in with nowhere to go.

" do not worry yourself Kallen. All will be revealed" Wavyrn said as Kallen checked the time. 11:30 at night for the 3rd night in a row. The 3rd night he had fallen asleep only to see his friends on the floor, bloody, beaten, taken control of and he could do nothing. Just like when grandma was around. He whined and complained, cried to the heavens for a solution and nothing came. Nothing came and if he didn't figure something out he would be in that situation again. And that was the last place Kallen ever wanted to be.

" knock knock" came to his door as he struggled towards it. He halfway thought it would be someone to take him out of his misery but it was just his foot. Taking up space again, trying to find something to do. Kallen turned on his bed,glancing to his phone when a message popped up from Hikaru

" Kallen" the message said, his eyes moving back at the light. " If everything is okay i would like you and the rest of the B team at the compound tomorrow afternoon by 5. You'll have a night mission to find a wandered. If not then you don't have to join. I won't let these missions get in the way of your mental health".

Kallen smiled at the last part, how considerate someone could be after knowing him for maybe a month and half. How easy and sincere it came off.

" Sure. I'll be ready" he shot back as he turned his phone over and went to bed.

School was a bit of a blur for Kallen. Class, hallway, bathroom and repeat till it was 3. He was done for the day. All he had to was get to the compound and things would be better right?

" Hey You" Destiny said as her arms went over his neck. She still smelled like honey, the scent lingering as she gave him a kiss. " You doing okay?"

Destiny didn't know the details of what was wrong with Kallen. He had said he was just under the weather but after a week she didn't believe him. She told him to start meditating and to his surprise it did help with concentration. But not with this.

" Yeah im fine. Ya dad still in town"

" Yeah. He's living with us again. Saying us like that is so weird Kal. I tried getting away after they separated but it didn't work"

" cause you love them and love is pretty strong"

" so that's why we work Huh?" Destiny asked, pulling her boyfriend near a bench. Kallen could see the rebel in her eyes, the same girl that skipped school in 4th grade just to watch a movie. He wanted nothing more but to spend eternity with her. But he knew he was needed.

" Hey I got work at the hospital so I'll catch you later" Destiny said, kissing Kal on the cheek. She loved to do it, always making sure to leave a little mark when they separate. " That's cool tell Nic I said hi"

" She said you better not mess this up. And what did you do to Terra Matthews"

" Des the girl is a psycho" Kallen said as Destiny blew him a kiss and left the building. Kallen headed to his own car, driving home in a hurry as he made it to the compound with time to spare.

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