Chapter 11: Two can play this game

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Kallen was not okay with this. Not having Wavyrn felt weird but waiting for the a team was even worse. None of them felt good about this at all in fact most of them felt awkward.

" I can't believe this" Bridget said as she stood by the ledge. The clock tower was decided on as their meeting point and of course the B Team was the team without the plans.

" We should have the plans. Not them"

" Bridget it's okay. I hate them as much as you do but let's just get along with them for now" Hayate said as his phone rang. It was Hikaru who apparently had some words for the rest of the group.

" Listen up and listen well. This is for your own good. Things are happening that might be out of our control currently. It's imperative for both of our units to be able to coexist. And because of that you all will have no abilities. Hayate you took the extra medication correct?"

" Yes Onee San"

" Good. The A Team should arrive shortly. Work as a unit and Bridget"

" What"

" Do not and I repeat do not let Tracy get under your skin. It isn't worth it"

Kallen turned his head to Veronica who seemed to be lost in thought. She seemed extremely uneasy about the whole thing.

" The hell are you staring at"

" You V, I believe I'm staring at you"

" Look at the baby brigade, already arguing" Tracy said as the A Team walked up the stairs and stood behind them. Tracy, Dustin, Max, and Nancy, all standing in the light as Bridget turned away.

" Thanks for coming. You guys were given the assignment details right?" Hayate said as Max snickered.

" I know we don't have our powers but are you sure you can control yourself. I know your spirit has you by the balls so I'm only wondering". He didn't have the chance to finish that sentence as Veronica appeared behind him, her hand on his neck.

" One more damn word out of your mouth I dare you. One more cmon just one. Give me a reason to break protocol"

" Max let's not do this now. We don't have the time nor the need to fight them. No matter the differences we have a damn job to do"

Kallen noticed that Dustin didn't seem like the rest of his team. He seemed a bit more on the safe side. Like he didn't want any of the BS that came with this meetup.

" Where's the plans?" Bridget asked as Nancy unfolded them and laid the paper on the floor.

" So we go downtown and then we survey the scene for any of these symbols"

The symbols seemed simple to Kallen, a white cross, a white and gold sword, and the shield he had seen in the throne room.

" Simple enough" Veronica said as the group headed downstairs. Bridget and Tracy stood as far away from each other as possible, with every one staying to their own side as well.

" Let's get going" Tracy said as she pointed to the street. " I would prefer it if we did this quickly"

" You and me both" Bridget said as they walked down the street. Kallen was in the back with Nancy who seemed to detest the very notion of the groups working together.

" We work better alone" she said, patting her arm as they continued to walk. Her eyes were locked on Bridget almost as if she saw her as a threat.

" Kallen correct?" She said, gripping his arm as they walked. He hadn't noticed how pretty the girl really was till now, her purple hair and dark skin caught his eye immediately.

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