Chapter 5: the pages keep turning

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Kallen was late. Late for a phone call but still late. He promised Nicole he would be there and this was not a good way to start off on that promise. The elevator had no business not working and the stairs didn't need to be this crowded either.

" Is this meeting really that important?" Wavyrn asked as Kallen bumped and slid his way around people.

" Yeah.. it is" Kallen said, a slight frown on his face as he made it to the floor Nicole was stationed at and walked over to the break area. Most of the workers knew his name because of his grandma and whenever he showed up they knew why he was there. This time was obviously different and they figured he was there for Nicole as he walked to the break room.

" Nicoles over there if you're here for her" Destiny said as she stood by the counter. She smiled slightly as Kallen walked over and stopped for a second and looked at her

" Who else would I be here for?" He replied, the frown on his face only growing bigger. Nicole looked away briefly, noticing that wasn't what she should have said and pointed to the break room. " See you on campus Kal"

" See ya Des"

" You're late" Nicole said as she sat by a desk, her clipboard beside her and a phone in hand. She motioned for him to come closer as she began to dial a number.

" You sure they're gonna pick up?" Kallen asked as he looked down at his sleeve. He rolled his jacket back down to conceal the mark but Nicole didn't seem to notice it. " They better pick up.... they have to this time" she replied as they watched the phone ring and ring. It continued to ring for another 3 minutes till they reached Voicemail. Nicole began to speak when Kallen hung up the phone and sat in a chair.

" What the hell Kallen?"

" They left you on Voicemail Nic, Your parents left you on voicemail when they know why you're calling. There's only one reason why you're calling and they left you on voicemail. They'll call you back, don't even pick up the line" Kallen replied as he looked out the window. Moving to New York wasn't a issue for him anymore but having to carry the burden of his grandmothers death was. Not to mention the other world he was a part of that he couldn't share with Nicole. The thought of not telling her wasn't something he was in agreement with but it was for the best.

" Here's the 10" she said as they walked to the door. Destiny smiled at Kallen from the counter as he left the room and walked towards the stairs with Nicole. It wasn't raining today but the January breeze wasn't friendly to either of them. "What the hell do you think you're doing hiding a Tat from me?" Nicole asked as she grabbed his jacket and swiped it up

" She's found us out" Wavyrn said as Nicole ran her fingers up and down the marking before smacking it with her palm. " Ahhhhh" Wavyrn screamed as Nicole pointed her finger into Kallens line of sight. " How much?"

" Around 450. A girl in my math class did it"

" Was it Jasmine?"

" No.... I barely know her"

" You see the way Destiny looks at you right?" Nicole asked as Kallen began to blush. He knew where this was headed and he didn't wanna go there at all. He was focused on other things like finding this grail and passing Biology. He was about to answer when his phone started to buzz

" Hello?"

" We need you at the compound now" Bridget said as Nicole stood by the stairs. " Toshio has a task for us and we need everyone. If you even think of slowing us down this time"

" Don't worry Bridge I got you. I'll see you soon"

" Hurry the hell up"

"Nic I gotta run" Kallen began to say as he turned his face to spot her already in the elevator. " You got em all don't you" she replied as Kallen ran downstairs to a mirror and placed his hands in the correct position.

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