Chapter 13: Holy Holy

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Kallen couldn't sleep. That might be a understatement but who really cares. He kept having the same dream over and over and he couldn't stop it. He saw a forest, trees cut down in rows and a cave. He assumed it wasn't a dream about environmental safety when he heard a cry. A fierce one, one that would scare anyone that ever heard it. One that nearly spooked him out of his dream. He took a walk around the house, patting his mark to see if Wavyrn was okay.

" Kallen dreams can be your guide of your undoing" he said. " Do not give them the level of power that you do.

Kallen didn't want to hear that. He had been having the same dream for 2 weeks now and it wouldn't stop. His phone rung which was sort of odd at 2 in the morning but stranger things had happened recently


" Hey Kal its Bridget" she said from her home in Pasadena.

" Aren't you guys 3 hours ahead"

" Yes but it's still 11 and I should be asleep"

" so why are you calling me"

"Ummm" Bridget said, stumbling over words in the process. " When you first did the ascension?"

" Yeah"

"How did you activate it?"

" Nancy said you can't until you learn too. Let it control you and your body is what she said. Once you give up control and then learn you should be good to go. But I think it has to do with letting go during battle. Not being afraid when the markings pop up and all that stuff"

" I see" Bridget said, her voice only growing more tired as they talked. " Get ready for tomorrow Toshio needs us, and the A team for something important. He says it goes back to the swords you guys found"

" Really?"

" Yeah so go to sleep".

Kallen did just that and woke up eight hours later. He stumbled to his bathroom, finding his clothes in the process and sliding them on. He was ready for whatever was coming at least he hoped he was. Things had ended up bad for him before but it couldn't get much worse. Kallen went into his living room, the mark on his hand glowing as Wavyrn spoke

" I sense a disturbance. Be at your best today"

Kallen took note and left, going into the mirror and appearing in the compound.

" Finally" Tracy and Max said, picking him up by his shirt and dragging him through the building. He complained the whole way through but there was not much he could do to stop them once they reached Toshio's space.

" Kallen it is nice of you to join us" Toshio said, everyone in the same room for a change. " I have discovered news that will unsettle us all so before I say it I need you all to remember we fight for the grail". Kallen was anxious, he hated waiting and especially with other people.

" The swords you found, the crosses and the shields they all connect to something from the past. I do not have a adequate lead on what but I discovered something interesting.

" The crosses can be used to teleport to other wielders of the sword" Hikaru said, standing up from her brothers side. "All one must do is cut their hand with the blade and we can teleport to them. The issue is we have to linked when we do it. You 9 will go. The cut will come from my hand so I will stay in case I must bring you back. I possess one sword you all keep the other. Find whatever it is you can and get out. If you are engaged by the enemy fight till you can clear a space and escape. Hayate you and I have the link, all you must do is reach out and cut your hand and you will all come back".

Kallen thought the plan sounded insane but if this was another step towards finding the grail then he couldn't complain. Everyone stood up, their feet already at ease as a circle formed. Kallen stood beside Bridget, her eyes locked on the blade as Hikaru tapped Hayate on the head.

" Under control"

" Yes"

" Good to go" she said, jumping back and taking the blade in her hand. A small cut formed as she slashed, enough to bleed onto the floor. As the drops fell Kallen could see everyone start to shimmer, dissolving in a instant as he did the same. When they came to they were in Seattle, with the wind raging and a sword in Tracy's hand.

" The cross is glowing" Dustin said, pointing to the object in Veronica's hand. It beamed a shiny white, almost like a beacon as it moved north.

" Guess we follow this thing" Kallen said as the group began to walk. " Something is not right" Wavyrn said as the group moved. The cross turned right and the group followed. It flew out of Veronica's hand as well, levitating for a moment before it began to shine brightly.

" The hell is happening"

Kallen watched as the ground was replaced. Suddenly they were face to face with a bunch of knights. And swords, knights with swords, shields, and armor. The punches and kicks were furious as the A team ascended. Kallen attempted to but it didn't work. Bridget did the same.

" You guys follow the cross we got them" Nancy yelled, gusting a way for the B team to move on. Kallen nodded and ran alongside his group. The cross was shining brighter as Hayate held the sword. He began to shake a bit and reached for the medicine, handing Bridget the blade.

" It's cold" she said, wiping sweat from her face as she spoke. " the whole area is cold".

As the words left her mouth so did the rest of the air in the room as they dropped. Kallen was face to face with a man in a golden crown, his scepter flashing before him. The room was similar, not like the throne room from before but a bit like it. The room began to crack as the heat turned up.

" I see Toshio has brought more fools to my disposal" he said as guards rolled the A team into the room, bloody and beat up.

" Did he really believe he could stop this, could stop me. He's always known this would come but yet he never told any of you"

" SHUT YOUR MOUTH" Bridget screamed, lunging at the man who snapped and a knight in white armor sent a spear to her chest.

" Quiet child now is not the time. As I was saying we have searched near and far for the grail for centuries. We cut down lands, mowed down homes, and left life for no one. All in the name of this world and look what has come before me. The boy of prophecy".

Kallen could see the gleam in the mans eyes, the pure joy he got from this moment and it made him sick. Everyone around him hurt and here he was, stuck. Stuck being a casualty again, a passing glance just a bystander in his life. The fire beneath him wouldn't cool till he stopped. Till this stopped and everyone was free.

" Kallen release it if you must" Wavyrn said and release it was what Kallen did.

The room turned orange as the walls started to burn. The king got up and ordered for his men to apprehend him but it didn't matter. The flames flew around the room, the markings on Kallen's arms fully visible.

" I see" the man said. You are one of them, this is glorious indeed. The ritual shall start soon"

" What ritual" Kallen yelled, the fire swirling around him as he ran towards the man. Kallen could see scales turning around him, the red pattern flowing through his body as he hit the king.

Kallen looked down to see two things. One was his body and his entire mind as he was stuck in a forest, the forest he had seen with Wavyrn. The second was a sword, going right through him as he called for Wavyrn.

" Kallen, rest well for now boy, I will do what I must" the dragon said, having taken control of Kallens body.

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