Chapter 8: Swords Galore

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" A whole prophecy" Kallen thought to himself as he stood outside his apartment. The thoughts hadn't left his mind since Toshio said it to him. The whole concept scared him quite honestly, to be part of something so big and yet not know what it's about as well.

" I can sense your nerves" Wavyrn said as Kallen tied his sneakers and adjusted his jacket. He hadn't been on a date in a few months and better yet not with a girl he really knew. Nicole always said he was a " flirt with no direction" so it must be good that someone was willing to show him the way. As he stood on the staircase waiting for Destiny to arrive he couldn't help but look down at his arm. The arm that helped him fight the wandered, the arm that would lead to the throne room. The arm that would be part of the prophecy.

" Hey Kal I'm like 10 minutes away. You ready"

" Yeah I'm done. Just waiting on you"

" Alright. Be there soon"

" Your mind wanders Kallen. Let it ease for today"

" You're right Wavyrn" Kallen said as he noticed the lights flashing through the window. " No point in stressing about what will come" he said as he walked out the door and greeted Destiny. She wore a simple coat with ripped jeans and sneakers, her hair braided recently and keys in her hand.

" How are you 19 and you don't have a car?" She asked as they hopped inside her camaro and began to drive off. Kallen noticed she kept a few things in her car at all times, judging from where they were in the car. One was a fuzzy pair of dice on her mirror, another being her backpack in her trunk. The last one was a picture of her and her parents before the divorce. The only reason Kallen knew this was that he was supposed to have taken this picture. He tripped and scrapped his knee during their 5th grade graduation after party and Nicole had to take it.

" You remember that day don't you?" she said as they drove through the night. She felt the picture with one hand while steering with another, something Kallen found surprisingly attractive. " Had to leave for Seattle a week later and I've been there ever since".

" Yeah it definitely sucked not seeing you every day. I mean I was able to manage but I know for you"

" Shut up" she said, her hands going back to the wheel as they hit the red light. " Seattle was cool but it isn't here ya know" she said as she parked the car and shuffled for her keys. " You have money for snacks right?"

" Of course. As long as that appetite didn't get bigger"

" It only grew Kal"

Kallen led Destiny into the line and around the corner to theater 4 where they were to see the new Batman movie. Kallen knew it was something they would both like and something that wouldn't distract him. The last thing he wanted to think about was the prophecy and all he learned a few days ago.

" Cant believe that's just the start of this for him" Destiny said as she pulled a ziplock bag out and told Kallen to hold the popcorn steady. She handed him the bag and he gave her the other box of sour patches as the movie ended and they exited the theater. Kallen felt a cold breeze flow through his body and he turned his head in response. This wasn't just the cold air that runs through New York it was something different. As they walked to the parking lot he felt it again and he knew this wasn't normal wind. He bent down to tie his shoes as Destiny called her father, telling him they would be " home in the blink of a eye".

" Wavyrn you feel that right. It's not normal"

" Yes Kallen. This is not wind from this world at least not entirely. No one is controlling it but it's not from the earth"

As Kallen stood up to see Destiny urging him to her car he looked back and noticed something. It was a blue and white cross hanging from a window. He hadn't noticed it before but it was beautiful. The type of thing you would put in your home if you were religious.

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