Chapter 12: The look within

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Destiny looked good. At least that's all Kallen could think of as she stood in front of him. Her hair was braided now, the beads reminding him of when they were in elementary. She had just picked him up and here he was back in her car once again. Hopefully this date went smoothly he didn't wanna disappoint Des.

" What you staring at?" Destiny said, her eyes on the road. Kallen could tell she was excited as all hell to be here. Excited to be with him. Her look for today reminded him of something his grandma had said to him before she passed.

" Sometimes the one you need is the one that helps you look within. The one that lets you believe in yourself when you don't. That's the kind of girl you need Kallen, the one that loves openly".

He hadn't thought of those words in a long time, they always just seemed like something she said just to annoy him. But looking at Destiny he thought that his grandma might be right. He needed someone to look within.

The roller ring wasn't packed out tonight but there was enough people to have fun. Kallen was always pretty good at Skating but he was sure Destiny wasn't. To his surprise the moment they got on the floor Destiny was a natural. He had no idea where she gained this level of coordination.

" Kallen this is how you humans interact" Wavyrn said, seeing Kallen from inside his domain. Kallen asked how dragons would go on dates and Wavyrn responded " we fly".

" Hurry up Kal" Destiny said, tugging on his arm and pulling him a bit closer. " Was she always this pretty" Kallen said, his hands resting on her hips as they skated to the music. She was good, moving fluently and letting the wheels do the work. Kallen wasn't bad himself and as they moved through the ring it took Kallen back. Back to when he, Nicole, Des, and this kid named Tio came here. Kallen was so eager to show off his skating and Des had been so mad she threw a shoe at him mid skate. He had caught it of course but the fact that she threw it was funny enough. Tonight there was none of that as the lights moved and the colors strobed away.

Destiny had worked up a sweat as they sat by her car with food. Kallen could tell she was a bit shy about eating but he didn't care one bit. She went to town on her nachos which he politely asked if he could have one.

" Open up"

Kallen was confused as he ate a French fry. He never had a girl tell him to open up and it not be entirely out of context. Des stared at him, her brown eyes blinking as she pulled his leg closer to hers.

" I said Open up kid" she said as the Nacho fell out of her hands and onto his jeans. He groaned as he picked it up and flung it at Destiny. She laughed, telling him they could " try this again". It worked this time as Destiny ended the exchange by letting her fingers touch Kallens lip. Kallen understood what was going on now, he couldn't believe he didn't see it.

" You got better at flirting Des"

" What? Flirting? What are you talking bout? We're just two friends having fun"

" That's not what Nic thinks, she said you can't keep your eyes away"

" I mean"

Kallen wasn't expecting what came next. To say he knew Destiny Summers was this proactive would be a total lie. When their lips touched he lost control, felt like he was in wonderland or a dream he didn't wanna wake up from. He could taste the honey on her lips, not knowing they made honey flavored lipstick. He caught her eyes, laughing threw his teeth as she pulled away.

" Was it that bad?"

" Nah not bad, terrible I guess"

" Shut up"

" It was great" Kallen said, holding her hand in the night. " And you're great Des, perfect even"

" Well if you think I'm perfect and I think you're the biggest blessing ever there's one thing I need to do" Destiny said as she sat on his lap and kissed him again.

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