Chapter 17: Me and Mr Summers(Important note at the end)

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" Dont worry my dad doesn't hate you"

Kallen knew a lie when he heard one. He knew Destiny's dad couldn't stand him. Ever since they were kids her father gave him nasty looks. Acted as if he would lead destiny down a dark path. Times he would ask where his parents were or how his grandmother felt. He hated the man but loved his daughter

"Kallen you must study yourself"

Kallen couldn't bring himself to any level of serenity. Not now at least, with Hayate barely recovering and the grail still so far away.

" authors note"

I have no desire to finish this story so I'll give you the cliff notes for my ending

• Allison was a spy inserted by the court in conspiracy with Toshio's sister

• destiny's father is the king

• Veronica is from a place called " olendatch" where kids are raised to be part of the group. She was broken out and survived by herself till she was brought here

• a siege happens

• Toshio kills the king

• the ritual is that the boy of prophecy and the crown jewel will bring about the holy grail

• Destiny is the crown jewel( her and Kallen split)

• The 5th and 6th grails hold the spirits of the first two people to ever find the grail.

• the knights and the compound fight

•Kallen and Destiny have their second fight and she wins.She kills Toshio for revenge

• once his blood is spilled they learn that the holy grail comes from whatever it is both parties hold close

• What they both hold close is Nicole

• Kallen goes off on his own to find Destiny's mother

• She doesn't tell Him anything besides " if you loved my daughter that's all I need to know"

• both sides fight in the throne room. Kallen goes into his final form, perfectly fusing with Wavyrn as Destiny turns into the Diamond Saber

• they fight for a long ass time

• Destiny wants to kill Nicole because she knows there's no other way to stop the fighting
Kallen doesn't wanna lose her

• Nicole gives herself up

" I'll do the last part of the story in a actual chapter but yeah that's it. Don't know what my next story will be if I ever do one on here again  I've been working on novels on my own and it's freeing. Wattpad always felt like I needed to live up or put shit up just to get a following and I don't want that to be how I write. If you wanna find me I'm on AO3 Now at @Bdot424. See y'all whenever

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