Chapter 1

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Everyone at team Flash were seeing how Barry was getting into the machine that Harry design to returned his powers, they were hesistant about this cause the first time he gain his superspeed, Barry got in a coma for nine months, so Joe, Iris and his father Henry were scared about seeing their son and friend going into a machine that could repeat what happened to him one year ago.

As Barry was getting in the machine putting his hands in some area while extending his arms Iris walks closer to him and replies.

"Barry, whatever happens, it will never change the way that I feel about you." Iris said with a neutral face but with a little fear in her voice, also talking with her feelings towards Barry.

But Barry didn't feel anything after that, this was supposed to be some amazing words for him, Iris was confessing her feelings towards him, but now and since some time ago, his own feelings for her slowly started to vanished. So he just nods to her and gives a weak smile to her. Iris saw it and smile too with butterflies in her stomach and returns to where her father and Harry are.

Barry just sighs again and now sees how his father comes close and has a smile on his face.

"Son, you don't have to do this if you don't want to" he said also with fear for seeing his son in a machine that could maybe harm him or just give his powers back.

"Being the Flash, that's the best version of me, If I don't have my speed, I'll never be that person anymore, I have to do this" Barry replied determined and with some tears coming from his eyes, being the Flash truely means something for him.

"Okay" Henry just replied and nods to him walking back to Joe and Iris.

"You ready, Allen?" Harry ask ready to start the procedure of the machine.

Barry nods with determination in his eyes as Harry smirks and activates the machine, some big metal doors started to move as looking like closing a room, Harry made this in a form of protection too everyone inside.

The big machine startes his process but inmediately the ground starts shaking and everyone feels it, Joe is looking around the breach room worried as Harry said.

"The particles are getting unstable" he said while looking at the telemetry of the machine.

"Ramon, get ready, I'm gonna release the chemicals into his system" he exclaimed in the comms he has with Cisco.

Then the big chemical bottles that once where fool started to empty at a fast speed as they were getting into Barry's body, then inmediately Barry started to shock a little making everyone else eyes widened seeing him in a little pain as his face say it all.

"Why are you doing this?" Iris exclaimed with worried and anger after seeing Barry shaking and suffering from some pain.

"The night Barry was struck by lightning, he was doing fingerprint analysis. Those chemicals got in his system then, and they are going in now" Harry explained while working in his telemetry.

"So you're injecting them into him?" Iris exclaimed again in anger towards him.

"We have to recreate everything that happened to Barry that night" Harry exclaimed now to her trying to explain why of the chemicals injection.

"Don't worry Iris, I'm fine" Barry said but clearly he was suppresing some pain in his voice.

"Almost there, almost there!" Harry said while looking at the numbers that his telemetry send him about the machine's process.

"Ready Ramon?" he said again in the comms.

"Yeah" Cisco replied on the top of Star Labs facility with the barite that he and Harry made for this again.

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