Chapter 6

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Barry was watching the TV after the plane was saved by Kara and saw how quickly the news about 'a flying woman save them' was going around all National City and even the country. He always had a smile on his face as this remembered his first time being the Flash or the streak in Earth 1, people started to talk about him like crazy and the news kept telling stories about he appearing in all parts of the city. Kara already arrived and was at the bathroom changing clothes after hers where all wet for being in the ocean saving the plane.

The reporter didn't heard her arrive as he was to focus on the news, this gave him some proud feelings, for some reason Barry felt like this and it was something he hadn't felt in his life. He was on standing up in the middle of the apartment when the door of Kara's room opened showing the blonde wearing some of her comfy clothes and her hair a little dry after cleaning herself, Kara saw the news for a couple of seconds and had the biggest smile and her eyes had a brightness that made Barry even hypnotize.

"That was, amazing! It was the best thing I've ever done. You were right, I am destined for this and I want to do it, thank you Barry for believing in me. Thank you, thank you" Kara replied looking at the reporter who also had a smile, she then gave him a big bear hug as her happiness was so big, this surprised Barry but then returned the hug putting his arms around her with with a smile too on his face.

"You were extraodinary Kara, and like I told you, if you want to go in this road then you have my entire support. The only thing you need, is to believe in you completely like I do, with that there will be no one who can stop you from achieving whatever you want" Barry said still hugging Kara as she didn't want this hug to end, also the words from the reporter sounded in her mind. They were true, she wanted to do this just like her cousin who also supported her and after many years of wanting this it finally happened.

They released from the hug but the kept close to each other admiring one and other, both were gazing their eyes not wanting to break apart. Not even a magnet could separate them until Barry cleared his throat and step back a little with his face red from embarrasment as Kara then also step back and looked down for a moment although sad as it ended.

"Okay am-how it felt? To fly around the city and then saving the plane?" Barry asked after some seconds of akwardness, Kara then returned into her happy and joyful mood remembering her big achievement.

"It was so amazing, the air hitting me, the way I could move the plane avoiding any problem. The feeling of saving the day was something I wanted to feel for a very long time, the adrenaline rising up every second I was outside, was something indescriptable" Kara said with a grin on her face and jumping up and down like a little girl, this scene for Barry was so cute and adorable, he was happy for her although the start wasn't gonna be easy but at the end will be worth it.

"Yeah that's how it feels, there's no better sensation than that one" Barry replied without thinking and smiling a little, at this Kara got confused with her eyes furrowed for a second. Barry saw his mistake and quickly said.

"I mean, that's what your cousin told me months ago, that is the sensation of being a superhero. That and many more things he told me are what feels to save the day" Barry said quickly setting up before Kara could see that his mistake.

"Oh yeah I get it, when he talks about being Superman he is very passionate, I want that feeling too and I hope soon" Kara replied with a small smile and then looking at Barry.

Suddenly the door of her apartment got opened so quickly showing a not very happy Alex Danvers, she then before saying a word saw a tall young guy infront of her sister. This was weird for her as Alex didn't remembered Kara talking about meeting a guy in her apartment, before she could be the overprotective sister she is her sister started bouncing up and down again.

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