Chapter 12

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Several days had passed since the incident with the alien which was surprising, in this time Hank and Alex agreed to help Kara with any alien trouble but not with human issue as that was gonna be her job but alone. Supergirl didn't also made an appearance very much as Kara was still down for her failed attempt to stop the alien and also for not listening to the advices Barry told her, things where getting a little better fortunately for her as the blonde talked and solved the issues with Winn who at the start was very angry and scared for what she did for not wanting any help.

Winn after several talks with her finally agreed to return to their small team of superfriends and help her as Supergirl with human problems around National City which was a relief for her, the alien didn't attacked so she was a bit calm with it although knowing that he was very dangerous and she wanted to be ready for him and beat him. Kara slowly was getting better and started thinking that maybe she could do it, be like her cousin doing all the things he does at Metropolis as Supergirl. Sadly there was one thing that only bothered Kara during this days which was that Barry wasn't talking to her, didn't go to their new superfriends cave with Winn, didn't actually answered her calls and also didn't paid attention to when they had to work together as he was very serious all the time which hurted her so much.

She admited that Barry was very important to her and also to Winn, she missed him helping her outside with the city, sure right now she was better with Winn doing work outside and not making to many mistakes but still for some reason she needed Barry. There was no single day when she thought about the reporter, it broke her heart seeing that he was working almost all day for Cat Grant but he never had time for her and Winn although she knew it was her fault for this, she missed his advices, his very wise words, how to deal with things and also motivations. But what Kara also missed was him, those green eyes she could see all the time without getting tired, his voice on the comms and everytime they talked about something of Supergirl or just to hangout with eachother, right now admitted that all of this mas more than crushing on a guy which was something she never thought of saying or even experiencing.

Kara knew that this had to stopped, she knew what to do and for it was the right thing. She was at her desk already after finishing some assignments Cat gave her and also some other personal things her boss wanted, so she walked out of her desk giving a quick glance at Winn who was with some game on his computer and with headphones moving his head at some song he was listening. So Kara then moved out of there walking quickly towards Barry's office who was close to where the rest of reporters and workers where, she didn't actually knocked the door simply walked inside slowly and steped more deep into the office. At the inside she saw that Barry was there working with some pictures he took about some news this week and also with his camera doing some adjustments.

The blonde then took a deep breath and relaxed a little although she was nervous about how could this turn out, she looked up and speak getting his attention.

"Barry." Kara simply said with a calm voice but concerned at the same time, this got the attention from the reporter who only looked up from his desk seeing her but then returned to his work on the desk having a serious look on his face.

"Barry I know that you're angry for what I said and did last week, I'm sorry for everything I know that you just wanted to help me and I was too stubborn to listened and my mind thought that you never actually believed in me just like my sister did before. But as you can see that isn't the case, so please forgive me it wasn't my intention to say all of those things, I missed you being with us at the superfriends cave, I miss hanging out with you on Catco and with Winn. I miss you in general Barry." Kara stated now moving closer to him at his desk while he was working with a serious face still, but he was listening very carefully at every single word she said and was also seeing that she was being honest but he was stubborn as her and his anger was still winning on him.

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