Chapter 7

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Earth 1

Minutes after Barry disappeared.

Team Flash couldn't believe it, the machine where Barry was standing up and tied was now empty as the speedster was gone, he wasn't there. They saw how Barry vanished into the air, his body fracture with every second and not only that. A big dark matter explosion happened sending back everyone it the breach room, the wave hit them hard and also move into the rest of the building where it hit both Wally and Jesse who where running towards the cortex to see what was happening even though they didn't know about the experiment on Barry down the breach room.

When team Flash recovered from the explosion they had shocking looks on their faces, Cisco ran inside the breach room and saw hoe everyone had tears in their eyes with also hurt looks in their faces, he started talking so fast about how Barry was okay and how he maybe ran out STAR Labs faster than before. But with time Cisco had tears in his eyes as well as everytime he checked on the city scans he couldn't see his best friend, and slowly started having thoughts about Barry being dead after this.

Suddenly a strong wind whoosh was felt inside the room with a blue lightning streak, they saw Zoom infront of the machine Harry created, he took the rest of the Flash's burned suit in his hands and after a second of watching it also not understanding how stupid team Flash was for doing this to the scarlet speedster. He turned back seeing team Flash saying.

"You thought that you could give the Flash speed back? Well done, you kill him instead" Zoom said with his deep voice towards team Flash and then speeding out of the breach room and STAR Labs as well going back to try and continued his plans not knowing his fate was also ending.

At this now everyone was devasted, Henry had to sit down in the floor after this and now he had tears in his eyes, the only family member was now gone as well and his son who he loved with all his life was now dead, he didn't want to believe that, Barry needed to be alive one way or other. Harry couldn't also now look at Joe, Henry or Iris as the experiment went wrong and of course he fail, the worst result was Barry's life being taken, or that's what they thought now. 

Iris was the worst of all, she was now crying so hard in her father's arms hugging him tightly, she wanted to scream into the air the pain she had in her heart for seeing Barry vanished and disappeared from where he was standing. Iris felt now like her world felt down as she never had the oportunity to be with Barry, her best friend and also the man who she loved. This was now the second time that life or destiny took from her the man she loved, first Eddie and now Barry, but this time the pain was worse than before and that is cause Barry meant to much for her. They practiclly spent their lives together and after Joe, he was the most important person in her life.

Minutes later they went back into the cortex but not with better news as they saw on the floor both Wally and Jesse. This now alert everyone in the labs cause they didn't want more fatalities, quickly Harry, Joe and Henry rushed towards them checking quickly their state. They where uncounscious and being careful the guys took in their arms both the teenagers going also to the med bay. They then after putting the young guys in one bed each they started analyzing, doing scans and many more things. Wally and Jesse where stabled but one thing was wrong, they were in a coma. Harry couldn't believe that his experiment made her daughther and Wally now hurt and in coma which was worst. 

"Wells, Cisco do you know something about Wally and Jesse?" Joe asked worried for both teenagers, Harry just rubbed his temple in frustration and replied.

"Yeah, both are in a coma, the dark matter wave hit them and from the scans and studies I did. They have a big number of X elements, dark matter and other things, is not dangerous but at the same time, it does not look good cause they had to wake up minutes ago" Harry replied looking at the detective serious and feeling awful about how the whole situation turned into.

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