Chapter 17

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Iris stood in front of Barry's old suit on the mannequin, she had a lot of thoughts in her head just looking at the scarlet suit. She couldn't stop thinking about Barry and even though many days had passed Iris didn't lose hope that he would finally come home somehow. Cisco had told both her and Caitlin that there was news regarding the plan to search for Barry with Harry's help. That gave her enormous joy to know that there might be good news so there she was, in the cortex of the labs waiting for Cisco. Meanwhile Iris only allowed herself to think about Barry, how will he be? She hopes that he is well and safe, because losing the man she loves and with whom she shared almost all her life would be the strongest blow she could never recover from.

A small tear fell down her face as much as she wanted to stay strong for Barry. She wanted to prove that she could control her feelings for him but as the days went by she began to love Barry more and wondered why she didn't listen to her heart and confess her feelings to him. Iris now just wanted to get Barry back and not waste any more time, she would finally tell him how she felt about him, she just hoped he felt the same way.

She put her hand on the suit and the lightning symbol caressing it gently. Iris had the feeling that by touching the suit she would feel a stronger connection with Barry, besides her heart told her that he was alive and somewhere. She wanted to believe that it was hard for her all these days without Barry by her side, not at home, at STAR Labs or even at Jitters where they often went together. That lightning bolt meant more than hope, it was love and dedication to what Barry was most passionate about. The Flash showed her many times that hope would always be on her side, now more than ever she needed to feel that hope to continue.

"I see you arrived early, did you also get Cisco's message?" Caitlin said, arriving at the cortex as well, surprising Iris who jumped scared not expecting someone. She quickly cleaned up the tears to avoid any questions and more from Caitlin knowing how she was with everyone.

"Yes I saw the message, it said there was good news about Barry. That was more than enough to get me out of Pictures News to be here, I just pray it's really good news." Iris replied turning around, crossing her arms and having a small smile while looking down not wanting to see Caitlin directly, her mind was still with Barry and it was hard for her to not think about him.

"Are you okay?I don't need to be a detective like Joe to know something is wrong with you, besides your eyes show you've been crying. It's Barry again isn't it?" Caitlin said, with a soft voice and a sad look too knowing the pain Iris was because she felt it too although she was better at hiding feelings from people. Barry was someone she loved, apart from Cisco the speedster was her other best friend and not having him around was hard for the doctor.

"Barry not being here made things more difficult than I expected, it seems my life is not the same as everything went down. Being home is not the same, his aura, happiness, his presence alone illuminated our home. When I work at CCPN I always look forward to his visit as he used to, we would talk in my free time and take the opportunity to go to Jitters for a coffee to continue together. That always made my day so much better and I would go back to work with a big smile knowing that I had the best time with him, nothing could take away that happiness." Iris said with nostalgia, going through some memories from her and Barry that made her happy, those times where the two hangout together were the best of all. Not even when she dated Eddie she felt like that, she won't lie Eddie was amazing and one of first true love, but Barry was always on her mind no matter what.

"And now that he's gone, I feel like a part of me is completely gone. I know that knowing that Barry is The Flash adds a risk because of the constant dangers he faces but even knowing that I was calm because I trusted him and also because he has you on Team Flash. But the fact that he is missing and we don't know where he is makes me feel very bad. My fears are very big and I'm terrified that I will never see him again. Losing him is my biggest fear Caitlin, without Barry I am more than just another person, he is someone I need in my life." Iris said, in between pain and a couple of more tears coming down from her eyes to which she quickly cleaned up. Her voice broke up a bit in all of her words and memories as Caitlin simply heard and saw how much of an impact Barry's disappearance affected Iris.

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