Chapter 13

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Minutes before*

Kara was at her apartment taking out plenty of her wardrobe trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight's dinner with Barry which had her smiling like crazy and also wanting to look great for him and also for the occasion. For some minutes she had been seeing some dresses that got her attention but for some reason she couldn't choose and also time was running out and soon Barry was gonna be there to pick her up. Suddenly the door of her apartment was opened showing a frantically Alex Danvers with some concerned in her face making the blonde walkout of her room and being relieved to see her sister.

"I'm here Kara what is your emergency?" Alex said showing worry in her voice and also with her gun ready incase the situation was extreme which if her sister called her like this it was.

"Hey Alex I need your help, I don't know what to wear for tonight and is very important for me to be ready in minutes." Kara stated to her sister with a shy smile but also a bit rushed cause she needed to get ready for her dinner with the reporter which was close to happen. Alex after hearing this had a look on her face of annoyance but at the same time curiosity.

"Really Kara? Again? I thought this was a big emergency like Supergirl emergency, I hate you." Alex replied back sighing heavily at Kara but then started walking towards the blonde's room where she had all her clothes and just like the best big sister the agent started helping with the wardrobe.

"No you don't, you love me very much I know that." Kara said with a laugh playing around while walking inside with Alex who only groaned while seeing all the dresses and other clothes the kryptonian had saved especially for this kind of situation.

"You're right and also your lucky I do." Alex answered back smirking while seeing the clothes and while she was watching carefully the wardrobe of her super sister she turna round to watch her and asked curious to Kara what's going on.

"And what's the occasion this time?" Alex asked while taking a dress in her hands which for her was perfect for Kara's and knowing her sister will look amazing in it.

"I-I have dinner tonight with-with Barry." Kara stated nervously while looking at the floor for a second as for her it was still a surprise but a very good one and then meeting the glance of Alex who was surprised by this but then she started grinning at the blonde before saying.

"You have a date with Barry? Finally!" Alex replied grinning knowing that Kara was crushing over the reporter and she also enjoyed teasing her sister about her love life and now finally happened, although if things happen between her sister and Barry she will obviously have the overprotective sister speech with the reporter.

"What-is-is not a date Alex, is a dinner only with him." Kara answered back rambling and also laughing nervously at the agent's comment blushing as well which only made Alex rolled her eyes and humming before responding.

"Crinkle, and also you can't fool me Kara I lived with you for so many years. And I know that deep on your mind you want this to be a date, so yeah 'not a date my ass'." Alex replied grinning while taking the dress of her hands also giving it a look being satisfied with her pick to then giving it to Kara who looked at the dress and started smiling cause indeed she loved it, this also made her forgot Alex comment but it was true, deep on her inside she wanted this to be a date.

"Now take this beautiful dress and get ready because you don't wanna be late while your handsome date is waiting for you right?" Alex said again teasing Kara who after hearing the last part turned around at her sister with her eyebrows raised and a little glare in her eyes, Kara then said.

"What did you just said?" Kara replied looking at Alex sternly a little jealous with the dress on her hand, her voice sounding a bit demanding as she didn't like that last part her sister said. This made Alex laugh as she was enjoying this, she replied.

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