Chapter 16

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The DEO and Hank were alert inside their installation after their resources located the alien who attacked weeks ago the Nuclear plant of National City, he was back and now he was willing to complete his personal mission. The agents were getting ready in case things got by far worse than it already looked, Alex was also working alongside her boss and director but now they were waiting and looking expectantly at their new member of the organization which was no other than Kara as Supergirl. She was right now flying towards the alien's direction after being told by Alex his current location, Hank was exceptical at first but after some talk with him the director of the DEO accepted the kryptonian's help to fight and capture the alien and that was what they were doing right now while being on the comms and on the satellites tracking Supergirl and the alien at the same time.

"Supergirl, you got eyes on the target?" Hank said, seriously pressing the comms system alongside Alex wanting to know if the kryptonian located the alien already.

"I see him and he's not going anywhere." Kara replied back, eyeing from the sky a truck where she used her x-ray vision and saw the alien inside driving it.

She then flew down into the road landing heavily on the ground just in front of the truck and with her body she stopped the truck instantly destroying it completely, the alien flew outside the truck thanks to the big collision and lay on the ground groaning as the impact was severe although he wasn't that harmed by Supergirl, in fact he was pissed at her.

"You should have not comeback kryptonian, if you appreciate your life then stay out of my way or I will embed my axe on your heart." Vortax the alien who was named after his planet origin exclaimed angry at the kryptonian was this time wasn't faced by him like the first time, now she was ready to fight.

Kara had a stern glare and didn't respond but instead decided to fly towards him faster than before and with her fist hit the alien hard making him stagger but quickly recovered and with his own strength pulled Supergirl by her leg trying to stop her from flying but she kicked him directly in the face now finally being able to hovered in the air. Kara then flew down to the ground and swung her fist into Vortax's face trying to knock him down for good but the alien with his hand stopped the attack and became very pissed. Right back at the DEO things weren't looking good for the director.

"She isn't strong enough." Hank said annoyed and disappointed after seeing that for the moment Kara was failing in taking down the alien Vortax.

"Sir please let her do the job, look I know that Kara doesn't have my training or like the other agents here in the DEO. But she only started weeks ago, give her the chance to prove herself that she can do it because I certainly know that she can, I trust my sister in this and I think you should as well, sir. Give her some time." Alex said back to her director telling him that she was trusting in her sister to take down the alien, maybe she had her doubts before but right now the agent knew what Kara was capable of and wanted to support her somehow.

Back at the streets of National City Kara was trying with her own ways to fight back Vortax which was stronger and knew how to counter back her attacks. Kara then tried to punch him in the face but Vortax stopped her fist and then spun her in the air to then use his axe and hit her hard on her back making the kryptonian land rough on the ground. She then tried to stand up with her superspeed but Vortax was smart and with his strength stopped Kara's attempts to move out from the ground and with two powerful punches he almost knocked her down, she was hurt and a bit exhausted for her none experience fighting aliens or any one in her life. Kara then delivered one final punch at Vortax but it was stopped by his arm to then the alien hitting her back on the chest hard making the kryptonian moaned in pain, the alien was preparing his axe for the final strike and finally achieve his goal which was killing Alura Zor-El's daughter in vengeance for what she did to him.

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