Chapter 8

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It was morning in National City and things where getting really good outside with the people getting ready for their jobs or other activities. In the apartment which the sunlight was now entering where both Barry and Kara still sleeping peacefully all snuggled to eachother with the reporter having his arms around Kara's waist and she had her own arms around Barry as well. Both where very comfortable to move as Kara also had her head layed in his chest very close to his neck, she had her grip a little tightned as she didn't want to let go the young reporter. Kara then after some more minutes woke up slowly after having one of the best sleeps she ever had.

Kara saw how she was all snuggled up to Barry which was still sleeping and light snoring as well, this made her blushed as they slept together in the couch. They had their arms around eachother and even though she was a little ashamed for this, Kara couldn't think that this felt right and so good, she then just smiled and rest back her head into Barry's chest laying down just enjoying his presence while being laying under the blanket at her couch. Kara now only smiled relaxing and now was thinking again about what Winn told her yesterday at CatCo, does love comes to you like this? Is this how it feels?.

As she was in her thoughts Kara didn't saw that Barry was now waking up from his sleep too, Barry only moved a little his arms and tighted again his grip making the blonde looking up and seeing the reporter watching her with a small smile on his face, this made her blushed madly as now both where awake after staying up late last night and sleeping together. They stayed silenced for some minutes still on the couch on eachother's arms not wanting to move, just enjoying this final moments as soon they will have to wake up and returned to their normal life.

"Good morning, so I see that you're better" Barry said with a deeper voice as he woke up some minutes ago and was still a little sleepy even though he slept very well yesterday, he was now looking at Kara with a smile as she looked up as well.

"Morning, yeah and that's thanks to you Barry, you help me with last night's little problem" Kara replied to him smiling as well with a lower voice as they where close to eachother and didn't need to speak louder, Barry then took a piece of her hair from Kara's face with his hand making the blonde blushed again and giggled too after Barry's caressed, seeing her giggled made the reporter's heart melted as he thought it was cute to hear.

"I'm happy to hear that, seeing you happy is something important for me" Barry stated looking at her blue eyes who where so gorgeous to him, he also talked with such honesty that even surprised him but at the same time didn't felt any shame or regret. Like it was okay to say it.

Kara didn't replied and just layed back her head into Barry's chest without any shame, she only wanted to have more time like this even though she knew that soon they needed to stand up from the couch to go to work at CatCo as they knew also that the news from yesterday would be a trending. Barry saw how Kara snuggled to him once again and just chuckled at it, he didn't have a problem with it, instead he liked it and made him felt something he never experienced before in his life. So Barry just kept his arms around her adjusting himself a little and liking the finals moments of their time in the couch cause soon the reality will hit on them.

Minutes later after being snuggling comfortably in the couch Barry asked the question that neither he or Kara wanted to say and hear. He then looked down saying.

"What time is it Kara?" Barry said after sighing looking at the blonde with expectation and wanting to know how much time they had left before work.

"No, I don't want to move from here Barry" Kara replied frowning and kept her position snuggled up to him in his arms while Barry just laughed at this and thought how cute she was for frowning infront of him.

"Believe me, I think the same but if you don't tell me, then we will be late at CatCo and Ms Grant is going to personally murder us for being late, you know how she is with this type of stuff" Barry stated smirking cause he knew that as well as Kara he wanted to continue having this type of moments with her, but they had work soon so sadly it was necessary.

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