Chapter 2

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For the past five months Barry started to do his normal life in Metropolis and the job he got was surprisingly at the Daily Planet with Clark, and this was his decision. Barry was a little curious to see how the media and the journalism work, so when Clark asked what he wanted to do Barry replied with journalism, being a reporter. This surprised the Man of Steel as from what Barry told him on the first days of meeting he told him that his last job was being a CSI.

So it was a small surprised but then Barry told him that his best friend Iris worked on journalism too and that he learn somethings about it with her back in Central City in Earth 1. Clark then happily accepted and two days later both of them went to Daily Planet and of course introduced Barry to Perry White and see if he could have the job as a junior reporter as it was the position they were lacking at the moment.

Incredibly Barry didn't have a problem with being a reporter as he quickly got into rythm and sometimes he would asked Clark for some tips in his work. Clark was very happy to see that Barry was starting a new life and well better for him in Metropolis, it was since his old friend James that he didn't have a friend like Barry, they with time turned into best friends. Also when Clark had some emergencies as Superman, Barry was the one who covered him with Perry and of course with Lois, she was a little tough to lie but at the end it worked.

Barry also with his own methods got very good reports and interviews that made Mr White really happy much to Clark's surprise, the only people which Perry was really happy with reports, interviews and photography were him and Lois, now Barry was in the selected group of people who Perry White admired. One of the best works that Barry delivered to his boss what a very complete interview with the Man of Steel with also some very good pictures of him, this inmediately got famous as the people in Metropolis loved the interview and the pictures on the Daily Planet newspaper.

This work made Barry won some awards from the media and recognition in Metropolis, Clark was very happy for him and also congratulate him as well as Lois Lane, which for Barry meant a lot as Lois was one of the best reporters in the world. Barry also become a bit more mature with his time at Metropolis with Clark which he will always be greatful for all he had done for him.

Also the only time Barry used his powers was when they trained together in some private place Clark had for when he wanted to trained alone, there both of them trained with each other by fighting just to know about one and other. Barry also did many other exercises with his powers as like mastering the speedforce in his body and many other tricks he didn't knew he had, more physical exercises too as within this months he gained more muscles and his body toned up a little more too like push ups, sit-ups, jogging and other stuff.

Some facial hair appeared too in his face as it showed that maybe a beard could show up soon, Barry also did all of this training with Clark to improve himself in every aspect, he may not be the Flash now. But at least he wanted to be fit and have some advanced skills that could later be very useful. Some of this sessions were exhausted but with time Barry had adapted pretty well to them as Clark saw how much mature and confident he turned with training.

Right now Barry was in his new office as Perry gave him a promotion to a reporter just as Clark, he was working on something from his daily week when Clark entered his place.

"Hey Barry, how is it going?" he asked with a smile towards his best friend.

"I'm great thanks, did Perry asked for the report he asked us to do?" Barry replied curious with an eye brow raised.

"No, I need your help with something. You know the 'super' one" Clark said after closing the door of Barry's office.

"Okay, is everything okay Clark?" Barry asked now concerned for his best friend, it was not common to see Clark worried.

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