Chapter 4

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It was now a new day at National City and everyone was heading to their jobs or going through the streets hanging out with friends, the day was impecable as the sun was also entering Barry's new apartment as then his alarm started ringing which made him woke up quickly. He turned it off and stand up from bed going to the bathroom take a good and quick shower and then put on some fresh formal clothes and also do a little his hair like he always do.

Now that he was ready Barry took his personal stuff for work and also his cellphone and keys, he went out of his apartment locking the door safely and now Barry was in route for searching for Catco's building which he thought it will be difficult but as he was walking on the street after ten minutes the big building infront of him with the name 'Catco Worldwide Media' surprised him so much, the Daily Planet was a pretty big building, but this one was insanely huge, like skyscraper.

Barry after his little shocked moment walked inside the 'skyscraper' and was surprised by how it looked as pretty much everyone was working and having something to do, Barry then remember that Cat Grant's office was on the last floor which was the 80th. He then saw the elevator and walked inside luckily not to much people entered it so not making the ride to akward. While being inside with the rest of people some of the workers started murmuring and gasping.

'Oh my god! That's Barry Allen from Daily Planet'

'Is that 'the Barry Allen' from Metropolis?'

'I love his interview with Superman'

Barry simply smile to them and do a little wave making them also salute him, after being in the elevator for quite some time he finally arrived to the last floor which was the most important and bussiest of all. Barry was very surprised as he now exited the elevator everyone was working or going from one side to another ocupied with their own business, as he was about to walked more to the inside of the floor someone interrumpted.

"Barry Allen?" a tall man formerly dressed said walking closer to him making the speedster looked at him.

"Yeah, who's asking?" Barry replied politely to this man who then extended his hand for a handshake.

"James Olsen, a pleasure to meet you" James said politely too as Barry accepted gladly the handshake and now he knew that this man was Clark's other friend from Metropolis.

"The pleasure is mine James, do you know if Ms Grant is already here?" Barry replied after the handshake and curious to see of the Queen of Media had arrived already.

"Yes, in fact she is in her office right now. So you can pass and see her, Ms Grant normally wouldn't accept a random worker go into her office just like that, but when it comes to you I think it will make a clear exception" James now replied telling Barry that indeed she was present in her private office.

"Thank you James" Barry simply answered back as then James pointed to where he had to walked to avoid losing himself in this floor.

As Barry was walking going to Cat Grant's office he saw many people in their desk or in offices working hard in news, interviews or pictures. Also they were big TV screens with the news on as this was a manner of knowing every single thing in National City, Barry then arrived to Cat office and it was clearly different and bigger compared to the workers and he knew why which was obvious. He entered the office and with a mature voice said.

"Ms Grant?" Barry simply spoke to get her attention which wasn't a problem as Cat looked up and was very surprised to see the young reporter from the Daily Planet in her office, so she smile brightly saying.

"Mister Barry Allen, this is a big surprise to see you in Catco and my office. I didn't receive your answer about my job proposal" Cat said standing up from her desk and walking closer to him happy to see one of the best reporters in her office.

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