Chapter 15

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Kara was now flying through the air with a big smile loving the sensation of her going at a high speed completely free, this was something she wanted for so many years and now finally she can after revealing herself as Supergirl weeks ago. Right now she was having fun but it changed quickly as a missile was alongside her which surprised her at first but remembered why she was there flying, DEO training requested by the Director Henshaw. The blonde easily avoided the missile and destroyed it next with a very fast move with her hand, it didn't even do a single damage to her and that made Kara smile with pride.

"Are this test mandatory for everyone? I don't see anyone of you going through something like this." Kara exclaimed a bit annoyed in her comms while flying around a place the DEO and Hank prepared especially for her, down on the field was Alex and Hank keeping an eye on the kryptonian while a bunch of other agents were working on the little set up they made.

"The DEO requires rigorous physical and psychological evaluation for all of our field agents. Also a novice superhero can be a potential risk on the field. I need to know if you are in control of your powers, stamina, strength, speed, reflexes." Hank said seriously in his linked comms with Supergirl and explaining why he was doing all of these tests on her wanting to avoid a potential disaster in their city. As this was happening Kara sped up faster than ever and flew past the whole spot where the agents, Alex and Hank were standing, she actually broke the sonic speed barrier.

"She just broke the sound barrier!" Alex exclaimed with a big smile on her face while watching her sister go flying around their set up, she was still amazed by what Kara could do. Then Kara landed near Alex and Hank with a big smile on her face again having fun with her powers loving each second of being Supergirl, Alex only shook her head while Hank was rolling his eyes at the heroine while the three of them were walking.

"So did I pass? That was great, I don't know what you guys think." Kara said smiling and almost skipping up and down as Alex just watched and Hank remained serious, having to get used to the sunny and positive attitude from the kryptonian.

"I see you share your cousin's appetite for wanting destruction Ms. Danvers, I'm not that impressed." Hank said giving Kara a look not surprised for seeing how extreme and experienced the blonde was but knowing that she was slowly making some progress with their tests.

"You know, I am starting to answer to Supergirl. It's better than calling me by name." Kara replied back telling the director she was willing to be called by her alter ego than her real name, also that was because she was starting to love her name after Cat Grant did and because she wanted to be recognized just like her cousin. Hank after this just continued giving Kara a glare that she wasn't not even remotely fine with him calling her Supergirl, while Alex was eyeing her with a look of 'don't even try it'.

"Okay, I-I we will find our codenames soon." Kara said again with a nervous laugh then seeing Hank walking away from her and Alex. Then the agent laughed at her for trying to make her boss call her Supergirl. Alex found this funny because Kara was the opposite of Hank in attitude and it was so entertaining sometimes to see them clashing thanks to that.

"I'm ready to do it Alex, is this really necessary because I succeeded in the tests. I don't need to be close to you to remember super hearing. Also why were you laughing?" Kara said to Alex about her being okay and more than ready to step up her game as Supergirl now that she succeeded Hank and the DEO's tests about her powers and other stuff.

"First I wasn't laughing, second, he is just taking care of you. Me, Hank and the DEO are looking up for you Kara. We just want you to be at your best before going out through National City and safe the day from any crime and aliens which was what we talked about the last time with Hank." Alex responded softly at her telling that she, her boss and almost all the organization were taking care of her and helping the kryptonian to be in the best form possible to avoid a potential issue, they didn't want a novice hero making chaos.

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