Chapter 9

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Kara then couldn't hold any longer with her secret and decided to tell Winn about it, so she turned to searched for the IT guy who was in his desk playing some games like usual. So she walked towards him quickly and before he could say something the blonde replied while Barry was waiting for her behind and looking at them.

"Winn meet me at the roof of CatCo, now" Kara said very fast and nervous before walking away from her best friend and pointing Barry to followed her which he did without a doubt, Winn had a confused look on his face and seconds later he stand up from his desk and walked to where Kara told him to met.

Kara was now walking towards the roof with Barry behind her and he knew what she was gonna do, he will never restricted her to who she needed to reveal herself, it was her secret to tell. This also made Barry remembered about his first time being the Flash and how only a very few people knew about his secret of being the scarlet speedster. They finally arrived at the roof to which Barry saw how nervous Kara was as she was gonna reveal her secret to one of her best friends and that terrified her, so he then walked closer to her which was on the center of the roof watching the city.

"Are you okay?" Barry asked softly to her wanting to know how was she feeling cause he saw her tensed and very nervous, this made Kara turned around sighing heavily looking at the young reporter saying being honest with herself and with him about the situation of her real identity.

"I'm scared cause I want to tell Winn about, you know my real me. I know too that he could be someone who can help us massively with me wanting to follow my cousin's steps. Wait, you support me on this right? Cause you're important to me in this" Kara stated telling Barry about how Winn could be an alley in her new adventure of being a hero and maybe use his help with technology, also asking Barry if he was with her in this and supported her in wanting to be just like his best friend in Metropolis.

"Hey, of course I'm on your side, remember that when I came here I told you that if you wanted to follow his steps, then I supported you completely. Also, I wouldn't let you alone in this, you're important to me as well and I want to be there for you in this, cause I know that it will be something great cause, I have faith in you Kara" Barry stated looking directly to her beautiful blue eyes who where also giving him all of their attention, he talked with so much honesty and also felt how he blushed a little with each word. Kara after listening to Barry's words started blushing with a small smile on her face while also put a piece of her hair behind her ear, she felt better after that and released a sighed she didn't knew she had cause the words of the speedster made her feel better knowing that he was on her side.

Suddenly they heard someone walking behind them, Kara looked behind Barry and saw her best friend Winn walking closer to both with a confused look on his face surprised to see Barry as well there and confused again at her for asking him to come up to the roof of CatCo.

"Hey Barry, ehh Kara why would you need to talk to me on the roof? You could easily said to me everything inside or even in a more lonely place, well and more closed and less dangerous I think" Winn said still not knowing what he was called and now was watching to the his friend with curiosity, he was also curious as Barry was there as well and also he say 'hi' to him cause for him the reporter was a great guy to hangout.

"Winn, what I'm about to tell you is something really big and you need to keep it as a secret okay?" Kara replied with fear in her voice and also wanting to sound serious towards her friend who was now scared a bout what she could say and now was more than curious to know.

"You don't like guys? Are you lesbian? Cause that's fine I support......." Winn started saying some moments of silence thinking that maybe this was the reason about Kara wanting to be very alone with him and Barry, this made Kara cringe a little and blushed madly as the reporter only chuckled at how wrong the tech guy was.

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