Chapter 5

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Kara was in her apartment and was now almost time for the 'game night', but she was having trouble to choose something to wear for tonight. For some reason she wanted to look good for this game night, Kara didn't know why but for her tonight was gonna be different from their past ones. Then the door from her apartment sounded as someone knocked it, she leaved her clothes and went to open the door which showed her sister Alex Danvers with a look on her face.

"I have a conference in Geneva and I need to be on the plane in two hours" Alex said not happy as right not she needed to be in the airport, but if her sister needed help she will always go to her.

"And I have game night tonight and I need you to help me choose something to wear, I win" Kara replied looking at her with a victory smile.

"Why did you do this to me?" Alex said rolling her eyes and smiling entering Kara's apartment while her sister closed to door.

"Because I'm your sister and you love me" Kara simply replied with a shy smile and some puppy eyes as Alex shook her head as she then started walking towards her wardrobe and see what clothes or dress she can use for tonight.

"Also why would you need my help with clothes? It's only a game night with Winn and James, unless you like one of them?" Alex stated to her and ended with an eye brow raised and teasing Kara.

"No it's not that, In Catco there's a new reporter and he's also new in National City, he seems great. So I invited him for our game night and see if he can be get well with Winn and James and have fun with us, that's all" Kara said answering to Alex sudden question as she tried her best to explained about she inviting Barry tonight.

"Ohhhh, I see now what is going on now" Alex replied with a smirk on her face teasing Kara cause she now knew why her sister wanted help with her wardrobe.

"Is he cute?" Alex suddenly asked again looking at Kara who blushed madly.

"I don't know, maybe" she simply answered back after sighing while playing with her hands and looked down for a second, with saying 'maybe' it was saying the truth about Barry.

"Aww my sister has a little crush" Alex started teasing her also laughing at how Kara was acting towards this mysterious guy she knew.

"I-ahh-no I don't have a crush Alex, I-barely knew him today" Kara replied having trouble to find the right words after Alex's teasing, did she had a crush on Barry?.

"You can fool everyone if you want, but not me Kara. So yeah, keep telling that to you" Alex said giving Kara a look while taking clothes and dresses from her sister's wardrobe.

"Also I know you love helping people, and so if want to please choose one of this blouses so I can finally take my plane" Alex now replied begging after watching all the dresses from Kara and taking two in her hands, she really needed to go if not, she will missed her flight.

Kara then saw the two blouses that Alex picked which where a blue one and a red one pretty much of the same size but for her looked cute, so she then started to see both for a couple of seconds before finally choosing the blue one as she pointed at it with a cute smile.

"Good when in doubt, wear blue. It's your color okay?" Alex stated again relieved when Kara choose her clothes for tonight.

"Also, when you finish your little 'game night' or 'date game night' text me and tell all the details about him. I'll call you when I'm back from Geneva" Alex said now teasing Kara again as she now had a massive blush on her face and wanted to say something but then Alex started walking away from her going to the door.

"See you little sis I love you, don't have to much fun tonight!" Alex exclaimed from the door before walking out from Kara's apartment.

Kara was left with her blushing at the thinking of a 'date' with Barry and suddenly the butterflies in her stomach came back making her smile a little, she then turned around and saw the picture that Barry gifted her from the interview with Superman landing on her bed, Kara then saw at the back her clock who was showing it was 6 pm which meant that Barry and the rest where almost arriving.

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