Chapter 3

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One day at Daily Planet Barry was working with some pictures he took from an event that occured some days ago at Metropolis when Lois knocks the door of his office gaining his attention which also surprised him.

"Lois hey, good to see you" Barry said with a smile stopping his work and giving the reporter his attention.

"Hey Allen, Smallville want me to give you this, is important from what he told me and he wants to talk to you about it" Lois said giving Barry an yellow envelop which he accept.

"Okay thank you, tell him to come to my office please" Barry replied politely as Lois smile to him in response nodding and walking out of his office.

Barry now was curious about what the envelop could have on the inside, so then he decided to opened it. On the inside was some sheets with the name 'Barry Allen' on it which made him more curious, when he took them out he saw it was from Catco Worldwide Media who offered him to be the head reporter, and the petition was signed by no other than Cat Grant. This was a big surprise for him as this was unexpected, Barry then put the documents on his desk and now was zoned in his thoughts for a couple of moments, then the door of his office was opened revealing Clark Kent who saw the face his friend and knew that it was rather good news or bad news.

"For the face you have I think you saw what it is on the inside the envelop" Clark stated after seeing the reaction from Barry.

"Yeah, don't worry what is on the inside is something really good" Barry replied with a smile to Clark after looking to his special delivery.

"Really? And what are the news?" Clark asked now curious as he too wanted to know what had Barry with such a smile.

"Well, it looks like they want me at Catco Worldwide Media, they offered me the position of head reporter. And that's not all, the petition and the sheet is signed by Cat Grant" Barry said looking at Clark surprised still for what he read in the document.

"No way, wow I mean, you are very very lucky. Cat Grant doesn't signed a job request unless the person she wants is highly good at his job or position. You Barry, are now in a very few list of people which Cat wants in her media empire" Clark answered back telling Barry that the Queen of the media almost never do this with someone she wants in her Enterprise.

"Wow, well that only puts more pressure on me now, I mean I know that I'm good but not that much. You and Lois are better reporters than me, and you know it" Barry then stated wanting to not being seen as a high quality reporter, he wants a low profile.

"I agree with you saying that I'm better reporter than you, but if you ask Perry he will not agree with that and even so he will give you a speech about it" Clark replied messing around with Barry at the start but then telling him that their boss will not agree with his joke.

Barry just shrudded his arms and didn't know what to say after that.

"So, will you accept the offer from Catco?" Clark asked now going directly to the important part.

"This is a big oportunity for me, head reporter is something huge and I am greatful for this. But at the same time, I really like being here at Metropolis in the Daily Planet, with you and Lois which are my best friends here......" Barry said with some sadness cause even though this offer was really good and he was interested, it meant that he will leave Metropolis and his friends.

"Barry, this is a great oportunity for you that could impulse your career to another level. Sure that would mean that you need to move into National City and leave us, but also you know that I can go there and pay you a visit without a problem and you two could arrive fast here. Your my best friend and this oportunity is unique and I want you to succeed, you arrived here for a new life and start, right now you are doing that. There's not a single person who doesn't know who Barry Allen is in the media world, believe me watching you winning awards and being congratulate is really awesome" Clark stated getting serious and explaining to Barry that this is something that maybe will never happened again.

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