Chapter 11

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The next day Kara was in CatCo's elevator going towards the floor where she worked running just in time. She was not in the best of mood after yesterday's argument with Alex which hurt her more than she thought cause for years Kara didn't knew about this, and now that she knows that her sister not only worked for a goverment organization but also that she investigated aliens, made her stomach sick cause adding the constant lies about where she was going and never actually talked about it to her.

Kara then saw the elevator opening and se walked with the lattes on her hand and her pursue on her shoulder as well, but as blonde was walking towards Cat Grant's office she heard and saw in one of the big screens CatCo had about how the TV news where talking about the woman who saved the plan. But what made her mood dropped more and also some irritation showing as well was that it was her boss Cat who named her as 'Supergirl', now the kryptonian was angry and decided to talk about this with her boss which she was now doing. The blonde walked quickly towards the office of the Queen of media but as she did Kara saw that Barry was also inside talking with Cat, seeing the reporter made her anger dropped a bit as for her he always made her day better bringing a smile to her. Although this time, her anger and disappointment won over the happiness, so Kara stormed inside not caring that Barry was also there.

"Supergirl? You decided to named her like that, we can't do that why that name in first place?" Kara exclaimed very annoyed towards Cat after putting the lattes and her pursue on a table, her boss who just looked up with non emotional face replied stopping from working.

"We didn't Keira and what is your problem with that, you have one minute to explain it" Cat said towards her in her typical attitude while Barry standing up along side Kara a bit uncomfortable for what could happen now, he also had a folder in his hands cause he was about to give Cat something until the blonde arrived to the office.

"Sorry is just, that I don't want to minimize this big revelation in our city. But don't you think she deserves to be named better, maybe something like Superwoman. That sounds like something big and amazing don't you think?" Kara replied calming down and looking at Cat explaining without making a mistake of revealing herself about how she thought that Superwoman was a better codename for her instead of Supergirl which for her wasn't the best option.

"I'm sorry darling I can't hear you or see you as that clothes and especifically that pants of yours cheaper than a sándwich is hurting my eyes right now" Cat replied looking to Kara for a brief second to then just resume her work she was doing minutes ago, Barry was only standing there with his eyes widened a little after his boss words and just put his lips in straight line avoiding any sound coming out from his mouth.

"Didn't you said that she was a heroine?" Kara asked again to her boss wanting a better answer than what happened before also cause she still thought that the 'woman' deserved a better name after what she did yesterday with the plan and also all the day with robberies and other stuff.

"Yes I did, and she will be linked to CatCo forever and also to me. And what is the problem with being named 'girl'? You're a girl, I'm a girl too right Mr Allen?" Cat started saying standing from her chair office while walking towards her and Barry, she then turned looking at the reporter with her usual flirty face while he only stayed there for a second without knowing what to say, then he replied with his best composture.

"Yes you are miss Grant" Barry simply replied with a small smile looking at his boss which then smiled a little to both of them satisfied with the answer from the young reporter. Then she turned serious looking back to her asistant.

"See even he agrees with me, I'm a girl, powerful, smart, hot and many more. Now tell me Keira if you don't like 'Supergirl' don't you think that the problem it is you? Before you answer me that question tell me right now one reason to me not firing you in this instant" Cat said towards the blonde asistant satisfied with Barry's answer and then saying to Kara that she needed one reason to aboid firing her for not liking the name she gave to the woman heroine.

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