Chapter 14

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Earth 1

If things looked good in Barry's new Earth recently, back in his old home universe where completely the opposite. Team Flash was now in not the best of times although they had two new surprises in their team after the incident with their friend and also Scarlet Speedster, two months it's been since Barry disappeared and vanished from the machine Harry built that was supposed to gave back his powers which we know ended badly. In this two months the team passed by several changes and the dynamic was similar but not the same, since the incident with Barry happened they discovered that both Wally and Jesse where totally affected by the wave of dark matter and chemicals that hit the scarlet speedster before.

They where some days in a coma and that was something that surprised team Flash because Barry got into a nine month coma but the young guys where only for a several days although for both Joe and Harry was a big relief cause they already lost one person they care about, a son in Joe's case or that's what they thought. Caitlin and Cisco this time didn't had a problem with treating Wally and Jesse as the previous experience with Barry help them to be prepared this time, also they knew that Thawne as Dr Wells had information save in STAR Labs about the medical treatment Barry received three years ago.

After both teenages woke up they inmediately felt the changes in them, quickly their hands started to vibrated so fast and their eyes were lightning as well indicating what Caitlin and Cisco where suspecting, Harry was not at all surprised cause he knew that this could happen, but he was praying that his daughter didn't get any powers which at the end was the case. Wally was very ecstatic and happy as he loved speed in general and also admired the Flash for the heroic things to do, but also now that he knew that Barry was the Flash it was still a bit sad that the reason he got his new powers was for the Scarlet Speedster vanishing into thin air, he was not only the Flash, but also his foster brother which he admired and respect even more after this recent times.

So now team Flash had two new speedster for accident which for both Joe and Iris was shocking and also made them very overprotective over their son and brother, the recent experience with Barry scared them and at first they didn't want Cisco and Harry to trained him and also Jesse which started to like having powers and wanted to help just as Barry did before. At the end and very hesitant the three of them agreed with Wally and Jesse to have some good training and then evaluate if they where ready to go out and start their journey as heroes which was the main goal of both teens who at the end where very happy and motivated to honored the legacy the Flash already built in Central City.


STAR Labs was pretty quiet but also alert of any kind of situation that Central City could launch at them, Cisco and Harry where working on something to help the engineer to improve his vibing powers and search Barry as they knew he was alive in the speedforce. But recently he started to get nothing of his vibes, he couldn't vide Barry at all as he only saw black when he touched the speedster's old suit or something personal from him. Caitlin was also keeping an eye on them giving her support on the development and also to avoid the arguments Harry and Cisco get every time they worked together. As they where working they heard heels steps coming from behind making Caitlin turn around, the doctor saw Iris entering the cortex with a small smile which she reciprocrate.

"Hey Iris." Caitlin said nicely with a small smile towards the reporter who waved back also smiling a little now being with team Flash for some information and to know about Barry's situation which had her almost on the edge as well as Joe but he was more quiet than her.

"Hi Caitlin, any progress with Barry?" Iris asked with a hoping look on her face while she saw also Cisco and Harry working in something that caught her interest just as Caitlin, she always asked this everytime she got in STAR Labs and Cisco always told her that he couldn't vibe Barry anymore which made her very worried, but now for some reason she felt different.

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