✧ Chapter Three ✧

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The two ex-partners sat in the cafe for a little while longer.

Yet something was still bothering Dazai, even though he was well aware that it was nothing but a small joke, an action committed out of utter embarrassment. The comment about germs still bothered him ever so slightly.
"You know... I change my bandages when they get dirty." Dazai spoke with a pout, taking a sip of his hot chocolate, he didn't want to admit to this but if it meant Chuuya would feel a little bad, then he'd have to say it. 
"Except for this morning... I didn't change them this morning" Dazai added, eyeing Chuuya from the top of his mug, Chuuya chewed a bit quicker then swallowed the doughnut he was eating, finally speaking. 
"Why?" Dazai scratched the back of his neck, with a little 'ehe' coming from his lips, trying his best to suppress the embarrassment flowing within him
"Well you changed them for me, and you were really gentle so I felt reluctant to change them today." Chuuya now equipped with the knowledge that he had a crush on the suicidal man, flushed in embarrassment.
"Fine....then- then from now on....I'll... change them for you." He spoke not making eye contact with the other male. Dazai's eyes sparkled, leaning over the table his face inches away from the gingers
"Really!??! You will?!! You promise!?!??" Chuuya shoved his hand in the younger mans face, pushing him down in his seat using his other hand to cover his mouth as he choked in surprise.

Dazai opened his eyes glancing at the smaller through his fingers, his face was red and completely flushed. The thought that Dazai had such an effect on the ginger made his heart flutter, with joy.
"Y-yeah I promise, jeez" Chuuya whispered, lowering his hand from the latter's face, placing both his hands on his lap. Dazai tilted his head slightly, giving Chuuya a wide closed-eye smile.

Dazai now waited patiently for the mafioso to finish all of their food, occasionally taking some too. He wanted to finish quickly so he could drag Chuuya to their hotel, write up the reports on what had happened while they were out, as well as make phone calls to the agency. Once he did all that, he'd finally be able to have the older change his bandages. The thought made his knees weak.

After five more agonisingly slow minutes, Chuuya barely managed to swallow the last of the doughnuts and finish his last drop of hot chocolate before he was whisked away by Dazai who had already grabbed both their jackets and Chuuya's hat. He then pulled Chuuya of his chair, holding his wrist, sprinting out of the cafe.
"Already did slug!" Dazai called out as he ran with a laugh and a smile so bright it could melt all the snow around them Chuuya's eyes glimmered at the younger's laugh, the moment seemed to slow in his mind.

Dazai looked as if he sparkled, the snow that was falling peacefully around him seemed to add to his beauty, with the sky fading from blue to black. Chuuya smiled back, before breaking into laughter with the other. They ran together hand in hand, looking like little children, sprinting around the city in the snow, laughing and occasionally arguing (more on Chuuya's behalf, seeing as he couldn't keep up with Dazai and his long legs). It was one of the best moments of their lives.


They walked into the hotel, out of breath but still somehow laughing, their lungs felt like they where about to freeze over any second. The duo took their coats off, placing them neatly onto the coat hanger near the door. Dazai took Chuuya's hat off of his head, placing it onto the countertop nearby, it almost felt like a routine. Chuuya by this time had already walked into the bedroom, his clothes were sweaty, wet and cold and he wanted to be dressed in something more comfortable than jeans.

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