✧ Chapter Eleven ✧

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Thankfully the three of them weren't very far away from the building where Chuuya was, no sounds of mass destruction or loud screeches of satisfaction could be heard, any types of sound came from the ocean waves splashing against the shore accompanied by a gentle breeze, it was far different from how Chuuya usually was when under the influence of Arahabaki.

"How come he's so quiet? Doesn't he just cause destruction until Arahabki kills him?" Seven asked as they speed-walked up the stairs to where Five had said Chuuya was.
"That's what's supposed to happen." Dazai replied not understanding it himself, not a lot of things made sense to him recently and quite frankly it irked him.
"I think it's because Arahabki is trying to extend the time he has in Chuuya-san's body, so he does that by taking breaks to buy himself some more time, they're getting longer -the breaks I mean. Now's the best time to get him." Five spoke with a raspy voice, followed by an aggressive cough.

Dazai nodded panting heavily when they made it to the top of the stairs, his hands were shaking slightly as he reached out to the door handle to press it down, he felt hesitant and he wasn't sure why.

Seven could see how panicked Dazai was and placed her hand on top of his on the door handle, prompting Dazai to look at her, a small reassuring smile was on her face. He gave her a brief nod then opened the door and then Dazai felt his heart drop.

Yes Chuuya was still very much alive and breathing but Dazai wasn't so sure if Atsushi was.

The boy had heard Dazai was missing and went to go look for him, without anyone knowing. Now he ended up getting terribly injured (again). To make it worse he still dealing with his old injuries from the shooting.
"Fucks sake." Five murmured, Seven had been right, this could go very badly.

Dazai walked over to Atsushi his legs nearly giving out underneath as he stared at the boys bloodied body. Seeing him in the care of a hospital was neither a different thing to seeing him bloodied on the floor at his feet. Thankfully, unlike his dream, there were no holes in him but there were a plethora of huge gashes, cuts and plenty of bruises.

Dazai couldn't bring himself to move, he felt his throat close up on him, restricting his breathing, his vision was becoming increasingly blurry, though he wasn't sure if they were tears or not. His shaking hands just hovered over Atsushi's body, not sure what to do, he was whispering Atsushi's name over and over and over, he almost seemed like he was going insane.

Seven looked at Five panicked,
"What- what's happening to him? Five!" Seven asked her voice filled with alarm.
"He's having a panic attack, I just don't know how to deal with him." Five responded as he searched through his brain for answers.
Seven's gaze fell to floor, her eyes darting from side to side as if she was reading some sort of text, she needed to think of something that would snap  Dazai out of his panic and get him to think about the problem at hand.

Her head shot up and as the idea popped into her head, she cleared her throat and took a deep breath in as if she was going to shout.
"OSAMU!" She called out, causing Dazai to jerk out of his daze and stare at her with wide eyes.
"This isn't your dream Dazai! Atsushi-San will be okay! Please listen to me and go save Chuuya-San." Five called out
"It's not set in stone that he'll die, all your other friends as well!" Five shouted, there had to be a way to convince him that this wasn't his dreams
"You're dream or Chuuya-san's isn't going to happen anymore! If we end this now your dream won't come true! Dazai-san please!" Five called out desperately, it wasn't just a case of saving Dazai and his comrades, albeit it was the most important part, but it was also about saving himself, the heart wrenching, forever-lasting guilt that he was at fault for this situation, Five wasn't sure if he could bare it.

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