✧ Epilogue ✧

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Chuuya stormed into the Mafia headquarters with Dazai laughing heartily behind him, he kicked the door and then posed dramatically with one of his hands on his hips the the other stretched out showing his dazzling ring.
"I'M ENGAGED FUCKERS!" he declared happily, making everyone turn their heads towards him, as they processed the news, once they understood what had happened they all huddled around Chuuya excitedly, with the exception being Akutagawa.

Chuuya stumbled back in surprise, a small shot of pain spiking from his ass, thankfully Dazai was there to support him immediately, he held him by the back carefully, helping him regain his balance. The mafioso looked up at him with a surprised face, then he couldn't help but let out a small smile.
"Thank you" he spoke shyly, not caring that his subordinates were seeing a hidden side too him.

Everyone understood why Chuuya had limped slightly as he stood but Tachihara was the only one who was stupid enough to comment on it.
"Looks like you did a lot more than just get engaged" he retorted with a smug expression, Chuuya looked away but didn't deny it and neither did Dazai as he came over to sit next to Akutagawa.

Chuuya took his ring off to show the inside, walking over to Dazai to ask for his so he could show how they were wearing rings with each other's abimites.

It was smart how Dazai had down this. The one thing that had always tied them to each other was their abilities and somehow that had led them to eventually get married, it was nothing short of incredible.

Dazai ignored the ooh's and ahhh's and then the 'wow Dazai-San you're so smart!' Behind him as he turned to look at Akutagawa
"Have you given him it yet?"
"Mhm, he really liked it." The younger male mumbled his face blossoming into a cute red, Dazai raised an eyebrow with a smile, he wasn't sure what had happened but clearly, it had gone well.


After that Dazai went to the Agency, he was incredibly late and was expecting a scolding but instead the moment he walked in everyone turned excitedly and asked him how it went. Dazai more than happily explained most of it (apart from the sex) though it didn't matter seeing as when Chuuya came in later that day he winced again when he sat down between Atsushi and Dazai and then everyone understood immediately what had happened (apart from Kenji or kyouka).

And they all shot Dazai a knowing stare, to which all he could was wiggle his eyebrows and place his chin between his pointer finger and thumb in his characteristic pose.

To which Chuuya elbows him gently in the ribs, when Dazai wrapped his arms around his neck and brung him closer. The two males looked at each other briefly before laughing for no reason at all.

The Agency all looked at each other puzzled but couldn't help but beguine to giggle or laugh tween themselves as they look at the laughing (but also now bickering couple).

Double Black was still Double Black, it just was just a lot brighter than it had been before.


After that, life went on well, Dazai remained his usual annoying self, poking fun, making jokes, acting serious about committing suicide, being dramatic.

Chuuya still got angry with him and threatened to kill him whenever he annoyed him. In front of people, alone, it didn't matter Dazai was always annoying. The most public affection they'd give is the occasional kiss on the cheek or hug, maybe even a cheeky handhold, but that was as far as it went.

Despite that, there still were differences in the overall way Dazai acted and with each day he became a more refined version of himself. He would help Akutagawa with things he failed to do when he was younger, he worked harder (mostly so he could then get time off and go home with Chuuya, but it still counted!)

And overall it was paying off, Dazai felt genuinely happy almost all the time. There was still bad days of course but he had Chuuya there to be his support and vice versa.

Dazai's book of suicide lay under his shared bed, collecting dust.


Dazai sat with his back to Odasaku's gravestone, letting the warm sun and the subtle mellow breeze blow through his hair.
"Are you proud of me?" He whispered to himself.

He let a moment of silence pass by until he spoke again
"Maybe you're right, that I can't permanently fill the hole in my heart but-" Dazai looked over to where Chuuya was leaning against his motorcycle, hands in his pockets as he waited patiently for Dazai.
"-but it's never been this close to being full either." He finished and felt soft breeze blow through his hair, ruffling it affectionately like how Odasaku had used to do when he was younger, the wind blew again and that feeling faded away. Dazai laughed quietly to himself a tear sliding down his cheek and then more and more until he couldn't stop.

Dazai took a deep shaky breath in as he walked up to Chuuya with puffy red eyes, the older smiled sympathetically at him, raising his gloved hands, cupping Dazai's face he lifted himself on his tiptoes and placed a chaste kiss on the others lips.
"He'd definitely be proud of you and how much you've changed." Chuuya spoke quietly, letting his hands fall from Dazai's face to his waist, hugging him tightly.
"Yeah." Dazai breathed hugging him back tightly.

"I think he is."

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