✧ Chapter Nine ✧

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Chuuya's head shot up at the familiar voice, though he couldn't believe who was standing there,
"Five..." he breathed out, completely dumbfounded.

Chuuya then turned his attention to look behind him to see if Seven was okay if she was just as bewildered as he was, if she was taking it better than he was, but Seven was nowhere to be seen and that's when it clicked.

"You knew... you both knew." Chuuya spoke his face pensive
"Yes, yes we did." Five responded, his shoulders tense and glare fixed.

Chuuya at that moment craved to activate his ability, to crush Five beneath him but he felt so empty he couldn't even bring himself to activate it.
"Why... WHY?!! WHAT WAS THE REASON? DAZAI'S- he's... DEAD!"Chuuya screamed, trying to control his tears from flowing down his face.
"He's not dead Chuuya-san, you're too panicked to tell and the reason why...is because we have no choice."
Five finished.

Chuuya didn't know what to say, he had so many questions, so few answers, so many tears and so little energy to ask questions.
"I know it doesn't sound believable, and I know it's selfish to ask of your trust. But if you don't listen to me and you don't trust me, you or Dazai will die in the near future." Five-spoke out causing Chuuya to laugh
"Trust you? Trust you? When you're the reason Dazai is dead if not on the verge of death! Fuck off." Chuuya replied bitterly, his laughs breaking into sobs.

However Chuuya did want answers, what did Five and Seven know that he and Dazai didn't, why didn't they have a choice? He didn't want to work with them but he needed answers. Chuuya remembered vaguely that Dazai had said that they were hiding but had also said that despite that they had no menacing intentions. That realisation is what made Chuuya remember the way Seven had begun to act as they got here, the way she smiled, Chuuya knew it was fake but now that he thought about it, it was both fake and guilty, her body shook and trembled from anxiety of what lay behind the walls, in the end, the only conclusion was; the smile she had given him, was an apology.

Chuuya looked at Five whose gaze was fixed and cold. Whilst Seven seemed to have the personality traits of the Dazai he knew now, Five most definitely had his motionless sinister aura from the Mafia.
"If I get proper explanations I'll listen to what you have to say," Chuuya spoke up sternly. Five nodded pointing towards the stairs and motioning for him to come up to where he was.

"What about Dazai?" Chuuya asked not budging from next to him, he won't leave unless he was assured that Dazai will be safe
"He'll be dealt with, I promise."

Chuuya sighed, he knew he should be sceptical but it was hard to be when his instincts told him it was fine.
The ginger man walked towards the stairs obediently walking right next to Five.

Five tugged onto Chuuya's sleeve, pulling him into an unlit corner, putting his finger up to his lips, telling Chuuya to shush
"What are you-"
"Shhhh...just watch." Five replied quietly letting his gaze fall to Dazai, Chuuya followed his eyes, his gaze landing onto Dazai.

A large door to the left suddenly swung open, Chuuya 's eyes widened when he saw Seven running towards Dazai, a bright green first aid kit in her hands, the two males watched as she dropped to her knees in front of Dazai.

She peered around the room confused
"They're already gone? I would have thought it would be harder to convince Chuuya-sama." She spoke her voice echoing in the empty chamber.

Shaking her head in dismissal, she opened the first aid kit taking out wipes, then gently wipes Dazai of any blood that was visible on his body and face. She then snapped her fingers making the rope that was tied around his hands and ankles burst into controlled flames, causing the brunet to fall against her, she caught him carefully.
"I'm so sorry." She whispered quietly.

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